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15+ Inspiring Jesus Prayer Images

Jesus’ relationship with and loyalty to God the Father is one of the hallmarks of His earthly ministry. The scriptures cite multiple instances of Jesus seeking His father’s will, thanking Him, or receiving direct communication such as after being baptized.

The scriptures also teach that Jesus made time to be with God. We too can draw peace and strength by communicating with our Creator. God has promised: "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." - Doctrine and Covenants 88:63

Find inspiration in our professionally painted pictures of Jesus praying.

Jesus Prayer Images: Fasting In the Desert

The account of Jesus praying and fasting in the desert is one of strength, devotion, and courage. The Bible tells us that Christ subdued the body to the spirit for forty days, demonstrating immense self-control. He also went off alone, separating Himself from the noise of the world. In this state, it may have been easier for Him to receive direction concerning His mission as the Lamb of God. 

It’s interesting to note that even while He was  fasting and dedicating Himself to the Father, he was not immune to facing temptation. His example offers many insights into staying faithful. For example, Jesus counters each temptation with scripture. We too can use God’s truth to help us resist temptation in our own lives. 

What insights do you draw from these pictures of Jesus praying?

LDS art painting of Jesus kneeling at a table and praying.

Hallowed Be Thy Name by Simon Dewey

LDS art painting of Jesus praying in the desert.

To Be With God by Simon Dewey

Vertical painting of Jesus kneeling in the desert and praying.

Fasting In the Wilderness by Rose Datoc Dall

Jesus prayer image. Jesus is kneeling at a stone. A golden halo encircles His head.

Advocate by Annie Henrie Nader

Sacrocubism painitng of Jesus praying in a desert landscape.

The Lord’s Prayer in the Desert by Jorge Cocco

Cubism portrait of Jesus praying with His face lifted toward Heaven.

Christus 3 by Jorge Cocco

Jesus Prayer Images: Suffering in Gethsemane

Perhaps the most earnest prayer that was ever uttered was Christ crying out from the Garden of Gethsemane: “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). Even Jesus Christ, the greatest of all, understood what it meant to be afraid. He experienced the hesitancy of submitting to God’s will when the task seems well beyond us. 

Yet, He was victorious. His example reminds us that with God on our side, we are also capable of accomplishing the seemingly impossible in our own sphere. We can accomplish all that God has in mind for us as we learn to trust Him and His deep and personal knowledge of us as His children. 

Prayer is a means for us to communicate with God. As we seek out our Father in Heaven, we can learn of His loving nature and begin to trust His will for us. Bring inspiration into your home or workspace with these beautiful pictures of Jesus praying. 

LDS art painting of Jesus praying. He wears a red robe and looks earnestly toward Heaven.

Thy Will Be Done by Travis Wood

Vertical Jesus praying image. He kneels in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Not My Will But Thine by Susan Edwards

Sacrocubism painting of Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane.

Gethsemane by Jorge Cocco

Up-close image of Jesus praying painted in sepia tones.

In Humility by Jay Bryant Ward

LDS art painting of Jesus resting on a stone as He prays in Gethsemane.

O My Father by Simon Dewey

Dramatic painting of Jesus suffering in Gethsemane. He lies in pain on the forest floor while a light shines down on Him.

Gethsemane by Adam Abram

Jesus Prayer Image: Taking Time to Ponder

Pondering or meditation is an important aspect of prayer. God is not one to give us all the answers. He would rather we studied and sought them out ourselves so that we gain additional knowledge and understanding from the journey.

So while we may not always receive direct answers to our questions while praying, taking time to be still and giving our minds space to think allows us to be more receptive to the quiet whisperings of the holy spirit. Becoming more aware of the present moment and appreciating the blessings we currently have can steady us as we move forward.

Invite a sense of peace and stillness into a bedroom or living room with any one of these calming pictures of Jesus pondering and reflecting.

LDS art painting of Jesus walking along the seashore during a calm sunset.

Abide With Me by Kristin Yee

Painting of Jesus deep in thought. Golden branches reach down and surround His head.

Garden Meditation by Annie Henrie Nader

Image of Jesus crouched on the shore of a lake. The water reflects a pink, purple, and golden sky.

Glorious Moments by Jesse & Kelsy Lightweave

Image of Jesus stting with His back toward the viewer, looking out at a green landscape.

Reflecting on Creation by Eva Koleva Timothy

"Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." - Doctrine and Covenants 88:63

More Images of Prayer

Prayer is something personal. It allows us to share our deepest desires, sorrows, and frustrations with God and He is often more willing to listen than we may give Him credit for. While we may not always receive the answers we want right away, prayers help us to come to know our Father in Heaven. As we come to know Him, we come to trust Him and that can be a powerful source of strength during our hardships.

As with any relationship, communication is important in our relationship with God. And, as with any relationship, that important communication can be easily overlooked in the rush of everyday life, but taking the time to speak with God is always rewarding. Enjoy these last pieces of LDS art depicting a variety of examples of humble prayer, from children to prophets. We admire all the heart and sincerity that our artists put into their work and we hope it brings some hope and inspiration to you as well. 

Painting of a little girl praying at Jesus' knee.

A Child’s Prayer by Jay Bryant Ward

Painting of a mother and daughter praying at a bedside. Jesus is reflected in the mirror behind them.

A Child’s Prayer by Doc Christensen

Painting of an angel in a red cloack praying. The image is filled with calligraphy text and various textures.

Angel of Prayer by Cary Henrie

Blue-toned sacrocubism painting of Enos, a prophet from the Book of Mormon, praying.

The Prayer of Enos by Jorge Cocco

Angels surrounding a young woman in prayer.

Angels to Guide Thee by Annie Henrie Nader

Inspiring LDS art and images of Jesus Christ make the perfect home decor for creating a Christ-centered home. They also make the perfect gift for loved ones. 25

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