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Jesus Christ walking through a field of yellow flowers in a religious art portrayal

Hear Him: 9 Inspiring Pictures of Jesus Christ

In the pages of the New Testament, Jesus Christ's resonating call to "Hear Him" echoes through time, touching the depths of our souls every day. It's a personal invitation extended to each of us in unique and individual ways, tailored to our life circumstances and experiences. 

Yet, amidst this diversity, there is a unifying truth: the unwavering influence of Christ in our lives brings a profound sense of peace and inner strength.

Behind each stroke of paint and every carefully crafted portrayal of Jesus Christ lies a heartfelt expression of devotion and reverence. Our talented painters pour their souls into their work, infusing each piece with emotion and spiritual depth. 

In this collection, we showcase the inspired creations of nine different artists, each offering their own interpretation of the Savior's divine countenance.

May these exquisite portrayals of Jesus Christ serve as windows to the soul, illuminating the path of faith and inspiring us to draw closer to Him. As you immerse yourself in these images, may you feel His love and guidance, and may your spirit be lifted and renewed on your journey of discipleship.

Feed My Sheep by Jay Bryant Ward

Jesus and a young boy in a field with sheep, a religious art portrayal of Jesus Christ.

This uplifting painting is a testament to the profound trust the Savior bestows upon us. In this beautiful depiction, we witness Jesus Christ entrusting us with a sacred errand — to nourish and uplift those around us. As we experience the boundless blessings and goodness of His truth, He beckons us to extend that same goodness and compassion to others.

Like the child depicted in the painting, we may feel small and insignificant. The weight of responsibility to care for those around us may seem overwhelming at times. Yet, in those moments of doubt and uncertainty, we find solace in the comforting presence of our Savior, who stands ever by our side, offering guidance, strength, and reassurance.

Feed My Sheep serves as a reminder that despite our perceived limitations, we are capable of fulfilling the divine call to minister to others with love and compassion. Through acts of kindness, service, and discipleship, we can emulate the example set forth by our Savior and become instruments in His hands, spreading His light and love to all those in need.

Fear Not, It Is I by Jorge Cocco

Jesus Christ depicted in a boat with people walking on water, a religious portrayal in art

Jorge Cocco showcases his distinctive “sacrocubism” style. Through this unique approach, Jorge explores deeper, symbolic messages through images that speak to the soul. In this captivating piece, Cocco captures the tumultuous night when the Savior approached His apostles on the stormy waters.

Like the apostles, we face tempests in our lives larger than we can navigate. It's natural to feel fear and uncertainty when confronted with such daunting challenges. Yet, the narrative depicted in this artwork serves as an inspiring reminder of the unwavering presence of Jesus Christ amidst life's storms.

Through bold brushstrokes and abstract forms, Jorge conveys the powerful truth that Christ never abandons us, even in our darkest moments. His reassuring presence, symbolized by His outstretched hand, beckons us to trust in Him and find solace amidst life's trials.

Fear Not, It Is I serves as a visual testament to the timeless message of faith and courage in the face of adversity. As we gaze upon this stirring depiction, may we find reassurance in the knowledge that, like the apostles of old, we are never alone, for Christ walks beside us, guiding us through the storms of life.

As I Have Loved You by Simon Dewey

Jesus Christ sitting on a bench with two children in a religious art portrayal.

As I Have Loved You by Simon Dewey depicts Jesus Christ tenderly embracing a small child, symbolizing His unconditional love and compassion for all. The painting captures the essence of Christ's teachings to love one another as He has loved us, conveying a message of comfort, reassurance, and divine affection. 

Dewey's mastery of light and shadow enhances the emotional depth of the scene, evoking a sense of warmth and serenity. This touching portrayal reminds us of the Savior's enduring love and invitation to emulate His example of kindness and compassion toward others.

Beckon by Justine Peterson

Watercolor painting of Jesus Christ praying, a beautiful portrayal in religious art.

With delicate brushstrokes and vibrant hues, Justine captures the Savior as if He were walking directly before us, extending a gentle invitation to follow Him.

This poignant portrayal evokes the comforting verses found in the book of Matthew, where Jesus tenderly beckons, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." As we gaze upon this painting, we are reminded of the Savior's compassionate invitation to find solace and renewal in His embrace.

Justine's depiction of Jesus exudes meekness and humility, echoing His own words, "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." By following Christ, we find true peace and freedom from life's burdens.

Beckon serves as a visual reminder of the Savior's boundless love and compassion, inviting us to trust in Him and find refuge in His tender care. As we contemplate this beautiful painting, may we heed the Savior's call to come unto Him and find rest for our weary souls.

Refuge by Mandy Jane Williams

A man in a white robe standing in a field, representing Jesus Christ in religious art.

Mandy Jane Williams transports viewers to a desert landscape, where Jesus Christ stands with His arms outstretched in a gesture of compassion and welcome. Through Mandy's evocative depiction, the serene expression on Christ's face offers a gentle and reassuring reminder that even in our personal deserts — the dry and barren seasons of life — Christ is the living water, offering peace and love to us all.

As the scriptures remind us in Revelation, "For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." Regardless of the challenges we face or the paths we tread, Christ's arms are always open, ready to receive us with boundless grace and mercy.

Fear Not by Lightweave

A man in a robe sitting on a rock, representing Jesus Christ in religious art.

As we navigate through times of upheaval and distress, it is natural to feel overwhelmed by fear and apprehension. We may find ourselves grappling with feelings of uncertainty and longing for a sense of direction amidst chaos.

However, in the midst of our fears and uncertainties, Christ extends His comforting promise that this is not the end. Lightweave's optimistic portrayal of Jesus Christ serves as a visual reminder of His timeless teachings, both to His early apostles and to us today.

As we reflect on Christ's words, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world," we are reminded of His enduring presence and His triumph over adversity.

Gentle Savior by Robert Pack

Portrait of Jesus Christ in a painting, depicting his face with serene expression, classic religious art.

Throughout His earthly ministry, a central aspect of Jesus Christ's mission was serving and uplifting those who were marginalized or overlooked by society. While He demonstrated unwavering strength and adherence to the Father's commandments, His service was always characterized by gentleness and humility.

Robert Pack's skillful artwork expertly captures the tender compassion and genuine concern that radiated from the Savio. In Gentle Savior, we witness Jesus Christ's innate ability to offer peace and comfort to the weary and downtrodden. His gentle demeanor conveys a message of hope and healing to all who come into His presence.

As we contemplate this stirring portrayal of Jesus Christ, may we be reminded of His boundless love and compassion for each of us. May we strive to emulate His example of selfless service and kindness in our own lives, reaching out to lift and support those in need with the same gentle touch of our Savior.

His Hands by Rob Peterson

Jesus Christ blessing children with his hands - a beautiful portrayal of love and compassion in religious art.

In this touching picture, Rob Peterson tenderly portrays a heartwarming scene of Jesus Christ surrounded by a group of children. The title of the piece, His Hands, suggests that He is revealing His scars from the crucifixion, yet His expression is one of gentle joy and love.

Like the children in the picture, we are invited to approach Jesus with humility, acceptance, and a willingness to learn from His example and strive to be more like Him each day.

In the presence of our Savior, we find healing and restoration for our wounded souls. His outstretched hands, bearing the scars of His sacrifice, serve as a powerful reminder of His unconditional love and forgiveness for each of us.

May His Hands by Rob Peterson inspire us to emulate the innocence and trust of the children in the picture as we seek to deepen our relationship with our Savior.

The Anointed One by Joseph Brickey

An oil painting depicting Jesus Christ, a religious art masterpiece.

By definition, anointed means chosen for an important position. Jesus Christ fulfills this divine purpose with grace and authority.

In this captivating portrayal, Joseph Brickey directs our focus solely on the Savior, stripping away distractions with a simple background. Through skillful brushstrokes, he conveys a sense of Christ's unwavering strength and wisdom.

The Anointed One reminds us of the promise of Isaiah 41:10, "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." In moments of weakness and doubt, we can find solace in the steady strength of our Savior.

Hear Him with Christ-centered art from Altus Fine Art

Recently, President Russell M. Nelson invited all to “think deeply and often about this key question: How do you hear Him?” Pictures of Jesus Christ have the power to bring the Spirit into our homes and lives. They serve as powerful teachers and poignant reminders of truths we hold dear. 

With a diverse collection of exquisite religious artworks, Altus Fine Art offers an opportunity to surround oneself with images that uplift the soul and deepen one's connection to Jesus Christ.

As we seek ways to draw closer to our Savior, may we heed President Nelson's invitation to "think deeply and often" about how we hear Him and find solace and inspiration in the timeless beauty of religious art. Consider incorporating Altus Fine Art into your home and allow these sacred images to serve as constant reminders of His love and teachings.

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