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20 Unique Christian Bereavement Gifts When You Can't Find the Words

20 Unique Christian Bereavement Gifts When You Can't Find the Words

In times of grief, when words fail us, gestures of love, compassion, and remembrance provide a source of comfort and peace to those who are mourning. Unique Christian bereavement gifts are symbols of hope, faith, and eternal love, serving as tangible reminders that the departed loved one will always be remembered and cherished.

This curated collection of 20 heartfelt Christian bereavement gifts. Each artwork has been carefully chosen to offer support and healing to those who are grieving. Whether you're seeking a way to express your condolences or seek comfort for yourself or a loved one, these thoughtful gifts serve as beacons of light in the darkness of grief.

Together at Last by Annie Henrie Nader

For behold, this is my work and my glory — to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. - Moses 1:39

A painting of Jesus surrounded by people, offering comfort during times of grief. Unique Christian bereavement gifts and artwork

"Together at Last" by Annie Henrie Nader is a exquisite painting that offers a glimpse into the eternal promise of heaven, where all sorrows are healed, and families are reunited through the atonement of Jesus Christ. 

As a bereavement gift, this artwork symbolizes hope and reassurance, reminding friends and family of the eternal bonds of love that transcend earthly separation and the promise of joyful reunion in the presence of our Savior.

Forget Me Not by Annie Henrie Nader

As I was with Moses, I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. - Joshua 1:5

Jesus comforting a woman surrounded by blue flowers, symbolizing Christian bereavement gifts and offering comfort during times of grief.

Inspired by the delicate forget-me-not flower, "Forget Me Not" by Annie Henrie Nader portrays a woman surrounded by a field of these blossoms, symbolizing the gentle reminders of divine love and care. As the Savior kneels beside her, His comforting presence offers reassurance in times of feeling forgotten or alone. 

This artwork serves as a heartfelt reminder that the Lord is ever-present, offering His watchful and protective care to those who seek Him. Available as a bookmark, it becomes a cherished keepsake, accompanying loved ones on their journey of faith and remembrance.

Angels Among Us by Annie Henrie Nader 

For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee. - Luke 4:10

A painting of angels being prayed for, a unique Christian bereavement gift offering comfort during times of grief.

Step into a sacred moment with "Angels Among Us" by Annie Henrie Nader. This inspiring painting captures the essence of answered prayers, depicting a woman in prayer surrounded by celestial beings. 

In times of grief, this artwork serves as a beautiful reminder of the presence of angels — both seen and unseen — who continue to watch over us, offering comfort and guidance from beyond. This painting (also available as a calendar for daily comfort) becomes a cherished token of faith and remembrance, honoring the enduring connection we share with our departed loved ones and the faith we have in Jesus Christ. 

Guiding Light by Annie Henrie Nader

Lead kindly light amid the encircling gloom. Lead thou me on! The night is dark, and I am far from home; Lead thou me on! Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see the distant scene — one step enough for me. - Lead Kindly Light: Hymn 97

Painting of Jesus and a woman holding a candle, symbolizing Christian comfort and support in times of grief.

"Guiding Light" by Annie Henrie Nader captures a woman in prayer, tenderly watched over by her Savior, who illuminates her path with His divine light. It’s a powerful reminder of Christ's intimate relationship with each of us and of Christ's unwavering presence in our lives. Whether a print or a puzzle, it becomes a tangible symbol of hope and comfort during times of grief.

I Will Dry Your Tears by Simon Dewey

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. - Revelations 21:4

Jesus comforting a little girl, offering solace and hope. Ideal Christian bereavement gift, providing comfort in times of grief.

Step into the comforting embrace of "I Will Dry Your Tears" by Simon Dewey. In this touching painting, Jesus extends His compassionate hand to wipe away tears, and offers peace, comfort, and renewal. It serves as a reminder of Christ's eternal love and comfort in times of sorrow.

He Lives by Simon Dewey

I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. - John 11:25

Jesus lying in the tomb, symbolizing Christian bereavement gifts and offering comfort in times of grief.

Experience the awe-inspiring moment captured in "He Lives" by Simon Dewey. This stirring painting depicts the glorious resurrection of the Son of God, breaking the chains of death and offering hope to all. It serves as a powerful reminder that through Christ, death is conquered, and eternal life is made possible. Embrace the message of hope and resurrection conveyed by this Christian artwork, finding comfort in the promise of life beyond the grave. 

Why Weepest Thou by Simon Dewey

He is not here, but is risen. - Luke 24:6

A powerful Christian artwork depicting the resurrection of Jesus, offering comfort and hope during times of grief.

"Why Weepest Thou" by Simon Dewey portrays the tender realization of Mary Magdalene as she recognizes her resurrected Savior. The lilies symbolize the beauty and hope of new life. This Christian artwork offers reassurance of the eternal promise of resurrection and renewal. Embrace the message of hope and restoration conveyed by this painting, finding comfort in the presence of the risen Savior during times of grief.

In His Constant Care by Simon Dewey

Great are thy tender mercies, O Lord. -Psalms 119:156

Jesus holding a baby in his arms, providing comfort and solace in times of grief. Unique Christian Bereavement Gifts.

Step into the comforting embrace of "In His Constant Care" by Simon Dewey. This touching painting embodies Christ's boundless love and compassion, extending to every soul without exception. 

Whether in moments of joy or despair, His love remains unwavering, offering a sense of peace and completeness to our lives. As a beacon of hope and reassurance, this artwork serves as a reminder that we are forever held in His constant care.

You Are Seen by Annie Cole

 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. - John 14:18

Two sketches of Jesus on paper, offering comfort in times of grief. Ideal Christian bereavement gift.

This sketch of Christ comforting a young man in distress speaks to the silent battles we face within ourselves. As a visual comfort, it serves as a reminder that in our moments of loneliness and pain, Christ sees us. "You Are Seen" by Annie Cole reminds those struggling with their own battles of Christ's unwavering presence and understanding, even in their darkest moments of grief.

Perfect Love by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave 

I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. - John 8:12

Jesus kneeling next to a woman, offering comfort. Unique Christian Bereavement Gifts, Christian artwork for solace in times of grief.

This beautiful piece of photographic art, “Perfect Love” by Lightweave, captures the moment of Jesus comforting the woman taken into adultery, radiating His perfect love and compassion. Lightweave's unique photographic style beautifully conveys the timeless message of Christ's story and mission. 

This print or calendar instills faith and reassurance of Christ's unwavering love and forgiveness, serving as a beacon of hope and comfort during times of grief and a daily reminder of the enduring love and compassion of our Savior.

Finisher of Faith by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. - Isaiah 41:10.

Jesus and his disciples peacefully sail in a boat on the ocean, offering comfort and hope through Christian artwork.

"Finisher of Faith" by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave reminds us that, like Peter walking on water, we may falter in moments of fear and doubt. Yet, the Savior's hand is always near, ready to lift us up and strengthen our faith. This piece of art offers comforting reassurance that even in our darkest moments, we are never alone.

Healer by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28

Jesus holding elderly woman's hand, providing comfort. Unique Christian Bereavement Gifts, Christian artwork for times of grief.

Experience the Savior’s healing embrace through "Healer" by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave. This touching photographic artwork captures Jesus' compassionate healing of an older woman, enveloped in radiant light. This artwork offers comfort during times of grief as well as reassurance of Christ's healing love.

Love of God by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light. - Ephesians 5:8

A person reaching up to the sun through a tree. Symbolic Christian artwork offering solace in times of grief.

"Love of God" by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave is a heartfelt image that depicts a child reaching for rays of light, symbolizing the love of the Savior that is always surrounding us. It reminds recipients of the comforting embrace of Christ's love.

Home by Annie Cole

"Tenderly the Master speaks to these, and indeed to all: Come back. Come home. Come unto me.'" - Thomas S. Monson

A touching black and white drawing of Jesus with a child, perfect for Christian bereavement gifts and offering comfort in times of grief.

Step into the comforting embrace of "Home" by Annie Cole. This heartfelt artwork captures the tender bond between us and our Savior. As we approach Him in prayer, He understands our deepest joys and sorrows, offering peace and love beyond words. 

"Home" serves as a reminder of Christ's unconditional love and acceptance, welcoming us with a comforting hug that feels like home, even in our darkest moments of grief.

His Hand is Stretched Out Still by Evan Lurker

Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God? Know ye not that he hath all power? - Morm. 5:23

A person in a white robe extends their hand, offering comfort. Symbolic Christian bereavement gift.

Enter into the tender embrace of "His Hand is Stretched Out Still" by Evan Lurker. This stunning photograph captures Christ's outstretched hand, providing a beautiful reminder of Christ's love and enduring presence, reaching out to comfort and uplift those who are grieving.

Turned Back and Made Whole by Mark Manning

And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks. - Luke 17:15-16

Painting of Jesus walking with disciples, offering comfort during grief. Ideal Christian bereavement gift.

This captivating painting portrays the moment when one Samaritan, healed by Christ, turns back to give thanks and is made whole. It is a beautiful reminder of the power of gratitude and the healing that comes from acknowledging the blessings in our lives, even in times of grief. 

"Turned Back and Made Whole" by Mark Manning offers encouragement to those navigating the journey of loss, inspiring them to find wholeness through gratitude and faith.

Giving Her Wings by Cary Henrie

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6

A Christian bereavement painting A woman holding a child surrounded by comforting butterflies.

"Giving Her Wings" by Cary Henrie captures the tender moment of a parent letting go, allowing their child to soar on their own. As a bereavement gift, it offers comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones, reminding them of the enduring love and support that surrounds them. 

"Giving Her Wings" serves as a symbol of hope and reassurance, inspiring recipients to embrace their own journey of growth and self-assurance amidst grief.

From My Hands to Yours by Darin Ashby

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 19:14

A comforting Christian artwork depicting a hand holding a baby's hand, ideal for offering solace in times of grief.

This powerful black-and-white sketch captures the innocence of a baby's hand holding onto Jesus' finger. It gives peace and reassurance of Christ's gentle presence and everlasting love, reminding recipients that they are never alone in their grief. 

"From My Hands to Yours" by Darin Ashby serves as a comforting reminder of the connection between heaven and earth, bringing hope and peace to those who are mourning.

Under His Wing by Jay Bryant Ward

"How excellent is thy loving kindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings." -Psalm 36:7

Jesus holding a child, offering solace and comfort. A poignant Christian artwork, providing solace during times of grief. Unique bereavement gift.

"Under His Wing" by Jay Bryant Ward captures a close-up moment between the Savior and a child, radiating love and comfort. It serves as a comforting reminder of divine love, bringing peace and hope to those who are grieving. Additionally, available as a puzzle, it provides a therapeutic activity for healing and reflection during difficult times.

Safety by Mandy Jane Williams

If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature…behold, all things become new. - 2 Corinthians 5:17

A person gently cradling a bird in their hands, symbolizing comfort and solace during times of grief.

This powerful photograph captures the tender scene of a sparrow nestled in the hands of Jesus. "Safety" by Mandy Jane Williams serves as a symbol of divine love and comfort, bringing peace and hope to those who are grieving.

Altus Fine Art for life’s difficult moments

In times of sorrow, art offers healing, peace, and comfort. Turn to Altus Fine Art for Christian bereavement gifts that embody love, faith, and remembrance. Each piece transcends words, bringing comfort and hope to grieving hearts. Let Altus Fine Art be your companion on the journey toward healing and remembrance.

Next article Hear Him: 9 Inspiring Pictures of Jesus Christ

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