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Mandy Jane Williams: It’s the Little Things

Environment shot of art by Mandy Jane Williams. Text reads: "Mandy Jane Williams: It's in the Little Things".

Annelie Hansen |

Mandy Jane Williams has been one of our most popular artists for a long time, and it’s not hard to see why! She is most well known for her exquisite watercolor paintings of temples but has recently created some stunning, new images of Christ. Today, we will highlight all of the above so you can get a taste of why we love Mandy’s work so much.

But first, let’s introduce you to the master behind the masterpieces: Mandy Jane Williams.

Mandy Jane Williams grew up in the tiny little town of Darlington, Idaho. Known as Mandy Van Etten growing up, she has always had a love for beauty and art that was encouraged by her parents. Mandy met her husband, Bryan Williams in 2005 and they were married in the Idaho Falls temple. Although she had previously taken classes in art and photography, becoming a mother has helped her to find herself as an artist. She currently lives in Bancroft, Idaho with her husband and four children.

Mandy has said, “Beauty, joy, passion, are all intensified when you open your heart to loving others. Little things stand out to you in daily life and you are able to notice and be grateful to them with your artistic eyes. From the way, the rising sun catches the eyelashes of a sleeping baby, or the look on a child’s face when Daddy comes home, all of these are an inspiration and a blessing.”


Mandy’s Newest Works of Art


Image: Solace

Mandy’s inspiration for this image is the hymn, “Where Can I Turn For Peace?”

3. “He answers privately, Reaches my reaching In my Gethsemane, Savior and Friend. Gentle the peace he finds for my beseeching. Constant he is and kind, Love without end.”

Text: Emma Lou Thayne, b. 1924.Music: Joleen G. Meredith, b. 1935.



Image: Refuge


Most Popular Images

Mother: Divinely Appointed

Image: Mother: Divinely Appointed

Mandy said of this piece, “Motherhood is such a sacred opportunity. I love the line in the proclamation stating that the way mortal life is created is “divinely appointed”. That can include conception, pregnancy, and childbirth. Most women are blessed with physical gifts to bring children into this world. But more importantly, women are blessed with spiritual gifts to help with the sacred calling of motherhood. I am thankful to my model K’lynn, who posed for me at 40 weeks, carrying her 7th child.”



Tree of Life

Image: Tree of Life

Mandy tells the story behind finding the perfect tree for this masterpiece.

“I have always been touched by the story of the “Tree of Life” in the Book of Mormon. I had it in my mind that I wanted to portray it, yet do it in a more subtle way. I wanted to back off from illustrating it too literally, so that people could make their own interpretation.

“The line that always jumped out at me was in 1 Nephi 8:11 ‘Yea, and I beheld that the fruit thereof was white, to exceed all the whiteness that I had ever seen.’

“I set out to find the perfect tree. We lived in Menan, Idaho at the time, and whenever we got into the car, I kept my eyes open for my Tree of Life. It was when we went to visit my in laws in Grace, Idaho on their homestead, that I finally found it. It was a beautiful frosty morning, and the babies were sleeping so my husband and I left them with my mother in law and took a little snowy drive to the river. It practically jumped out at us. I love the peaceful feeling this sweet tree conveys.”


Most Popular Temple Images

An interesting tidbit about Mandy’s temple paintings: Mandy uses flowers that are native to the surrounding area of the temple she is painting.


Salt Lake Temple Joyful Day

Image: Salt Lake Temple Joyful Day

Salt Lake Temple Forget Me Not

Image: Salt Lake Temple Forget Me Not

Mandy’s inspiration behind this image is the famous “Forget Me Not” talk by President Deiter F. Uchtdorf.

“There is something inspiring and sublime about the little forget-me-not flower. I hope it will be a symbol of the little things that make your lives joyful and sweet. Please never forget that you must be patient and compassionate with yourselves, that some sacrifices are better than others, that you need not wait for a golden ticket to be happy. Please never forget that the ‘why’ of the gospel of Jesus Christ will inspire and uplift you. And never forget that your Heavenly Father knows, loves, and cherishes you.”


Payson Temple

Image: Payson Temple


Image: Hope

Mandy tells us the story behind her painting, Hope.

“I love the term ‘brightness of hope’. I feel like the flowers in this picture are reaching toward the sun and also toward the temple, and for me, they convey the emotion of hope. I feel like hope can carry us through and together with faith, help us feel the joy in the moment and the anticipation for a bright tomorrow.”


Logan Temple - Divinity

Image: Logan Temple - Divinity

Rexburg Temple - Summer Flowers

Image: Rexburg Temple - Summer Flowers

Mandy tells us how she captured this image, “We had the opportunity to live close to the new Rexburg temple shortly after it was dedicated. I was even able to do the ordinance work for my sweet grandmother in this temple.

“I was able to find a place right across the road with all of these beautiful flowers. As I crouched down in the foliage to get the right shot, my husband circled the area with our kids. I’m sure a couple of passersby were wondering what I was doing, but I wanted to bring some color and beauty into the shot.”


As you can see, Mandy Jane Williams is a fabulous artist, able to invoke tender feelings and messages through her inspired paintings. We love Mandy’s art and know her magnificent talent will inspire many, for years to come.

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