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10 Inspiring LDS Quotes About Hope

Annelie Hansen |

10 Inspiring LDS Quotes About Hope

Sometimes an uplifting quote can be just the sort of pick-me-up to get through a difficult day. A well-timed piece of insight or guidance has the power to change our entire perspective, which may be why church leaders so often counsel us to study the scriptures or review general conference talks.

For this blog, we collected several favorite quotes from Latter-day Saint Church leaders as well as some of our artists’ most timeless pieces. We hope that they bring some comfort and encouragement!

Balm of Gilead by Annie Henrie Nader

“Believe that there is a ‘balm in Gilead’ and that the Lord has promised, ‘I will not … forsake thee."

 - President Henry B. Eyring

“At times we thoughtfully wonder why the miracle we have so earnestly prayed for does not happen … Whether in this life or the next, all will be made right.” - Elder Neil L. Andersen

Jesus' hand touching a dead branch and creating blossoms.

Reborn by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

A hand treaching out toward Jesus' scarred hand.

Within Our Grasp by Jay Bryant Ward

“When you feel that there is only a thin thread of hope, it is really not a thread but a massive connecting link.” - Elder Richard G. Scott

“Like the true shepherd He is, He seeks us and finds us to offer relief and hope.” - Elder Dale G. Renlund

Jesus holding a shepherd's staff by a calm river.

Light of Hope by Simon Dewey

Jesus crouched on a rocky shore. The water reflects a pink sky.

Glorious Moments by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

“When you feel that there is only a thin thread of hope, it is really not a thread but a massive connecting link.” - Elder Richard G. Scott

“Do not despair. Do not give up. Look for the sunlight through the clouds.” - President Gordon B. Hinckley

Provo temple surrounded by green trees.

Provo Utah Temple - A Glorious Sight by Evan Lurker

Calm flood waters surroudning the Houston Temple.

Houston Temple - Reflection of Hope by Robert A. Boyd

“Hope is like the beam of sunlight rising up and above the horizon of our present circumstances. It pierces the darkness with a brilliant dawn.” - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Don’t you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead.” - Jeffrey R. Holland

Textured painting of the Salt Lake Temple, focused on pink flowers.

Hope by Mandy Jane Williams

Portrait of Jesus with a calm expression.

Dawning Light by Annie Henrie Nader

“The darkness may not dissipate all at once, but as surely as night always gives way to dawn, the light will come.” - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Hope on. Journey on.” - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Jesus kneeling and reaching out a hand.

Fear Not by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Hope is an important Christlike attribute. Throughout His ministry, the Savior demonstrated hope in His followers, in Himself, and above all in the plan and promises of His Heavenly Father. Likewise, hope can give us the strength we need to carry on even in the face of immense tragedy and difficulty.

To find more inspiring art, visit:

10+ Hopeful Salt Lake Temple Pictures: Spring Blossoms

27 Heartwarming Jesus Healing Images

Emotionally Stirring Jesus Pictures

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