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Untitled - Feb 14, 15:57:58

Untitled - Feb 14, 15:57:58

Annelie Hansen |

15+ Popular Artwork that Illustrates the 2023 Youth Theme

Banner image of a painting of Nephi holding the Liahona.

This year’s LDS youth theme sounds simple on the surface but is deeply profound when taken into context with everything that kids and teens face today. 

It comes from the courageous words written by the Apostle Paul as he faced imprisonment and possible martyrdom. His letter, which included this powerful statement of faith and trust, was directed at those near and dear to him. He was sending words of gratitude, faith, and encouragement.

And those words have echoed through the centuries, continuing to offer hope to those who choose to follow the Savior, Jesus Christ. For this blog, we gathered a variety of LDS art from many different artists that we think help to illustrate the powerful message of this year’s youth theme.

We hope you enjoy it!

Youth Theme ARt by Jorge Cocco

Nephi is a great example of what it means to accomplish hard things by trusting God. His story demonstrates that youth have an important role to play in God’s plan. This painting depicts him being guided by the Liahona, a special navigation instrument that works only according to obedience to God’s commandments. 

Nephi's family looks on as he holds the liahona. It glows, guding their boat.

Nephi and the Liahona by Jorge Cocco

Youth Theme art by Simon Dewey

Detailed painting of Jesus holding a glowing lamp, beckoning the viewer to follow.

Lead, Kindly Light by Simon Dewey

Young people today face many unique challenges. But they do not have to face them alone. This painting by Simon Dewey illustrates Christ’s ability to guide us even when our surroundings may appear dark. 

Youth Theme ARt by Annie Cole

The teen years are turbulent ones. It is easy to lose a sense of identity as a child of God. However, the peace that Christ offers brings profound healing, peace, and guidance. He can help us overcome sins and weaknesses, reminding us who we truly are and helping us feel a deep sense of our eternal home. 

Drawing of Jesus comforting a young woman.

Home by Annie Cole

Drawing of Jesus comforting a young man.

You Are SEen By Annie Cole

Drawing of a young woman praying. Her ancestor's hand is on her shoulder.

Silent Angels by Annie Cole

Modern-day prophets have reminded us that help from beyond the grave is very real. And it becomes especially tangible when we choose to participate in family history and temple work. When we find ourselves called upon to do hard things, we can draw strength from those who have faced similar challenges before us. 

Youth Theme Art by Jay Bryant Ward

We are never too young to invite others to come unto Christ. Jay’s masterful painting illustrates Christ supporting and instructing a young shepherd boy with the task of watching over His flock. It’s a peaceful reminder that the master of the vineyard labors alongside us. And, as we read in Philippians 4:13, we can draw from His wisdom and power. 

Painting of Jesus showing a field of sheep to a young shepherd boy.

Feed My Sheep by Jay Bryant Ward

Youth Theme Art by Madison Wardle

Geometric painting of Christ. His skin fades into different race colors.

All Are Alike Unto God by Madison Wardle

We are never too young to invite others to come unto Christ. Jay’s masterful painting illustrates Christ supporting and instructing a young shepherd boy with the task of watching over His flock. It’s a peaceful reminder that the master of the vineyard labors alongside us. And, as we read in Philippians 4:13, we can draw from His wisdom and power. 

Youth Theme ARt by Eva Koleva Timothy

This quiet but profound painting illustrates that Christ is the source of all light. And the best part is once we have received that light in our own lives, we can warm our surroundings and share it with others. Teens especially have a knack for influencing their friends and loved ones, which can help them invite others to come to the Savior.

A young woman lighting her lamp with Jesus' outstretched lamp.

A Gift of Light by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus placing his hands on a young man's head and blessing him.

Blessing by Eva Koleva Timothy

God has blessed each of us with unique talents, circumstances, and gifts. And while their purpose may not be so obvious at first, our experiences and abilities can help us lift others and, in turn, bless them. It’s important that none of us–especially youth–underestimate our ability to be God’s hands on earth. 

Christ’s instruction to “consider the lilies” taught his listeners that God was keenly aware of them. It’s a simple teaching that offers deep comfort and courage. Just as our Heavenly Father takes care of the lilies, we can trust that He will take care of us–His children–so much more.  

Jesus walking through a field of lilies, His hand reached out to touch them.

Consider the Lilies by Eva Koleva Timothy

A woman helps Jesus feed a lamb.

Feed My Lambs by Eva Koleva Timothy

There are few things in life as fulfilling as helping and healing someone else. When we look outside of ourselves, not only do we gain more perspective for our own challenges, but we also gather the strength to face them. Christ’s commandment to feed His sheep, at times, appears to be more for the benefit of us, the shepherds. 

Youth Theme ARt by Kelsy & Jesse Lightweave

The Savior beckons each of us to His great work. And the scriptures promise us that whatever we sacrifice in our service to God will be rewarded with even greater blessings and deeper fulfillment than what we left behind. 

Jesus standing on the shore while the sun rises against a fishing boat.

Call of the Master by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Jesus one on knee, smiling and reaching out. He wears a yellow robe.

Fear Not by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

We love Kelsy and Jesse’s perspectives in this piece. Christ’s invitation to follow Him hardly seems like an intimidating sacrifice. Rather, it’s depicted as a friendly hand offering to help us back to our feet. The sky is sunny and Christ’s expression is warm. While the gospel path may appear confusing or challenging at times, it helps to remember that Christ, as the good shepherd, is beckoning us to eternal greener pastures and brighter days. 

Even the Savior took time out to rest, ponder, and pray. It is often in these quiet, “glorious” moments that we experience direction and guidance from our Heavenly Father. That sort of discernment and direction can make all the difference in navigating our turbulent times.

Jesus sitting on the edge of a reflective pond. A pink sky can be seen in the water.

Glorious Moments by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Youth Theme by Annie Henrie Nader

Jesus comforting a young woman who is praying.

Forget Me Not by Annie Henrie Nader

It’s very easy in today’s world to experience feelings of doubt or anxiety. But in a time where everything is so fast-paced and full of conflicting ideas, it helps to slow down and seek the Prince of Peace.

The light of Christ’s gospel provides the meaning and direction that so many crave. The more we choose to act on and trust His doctrine, the more we will come to know for ourselves that it is true. And with that personal conviction in Christ, we truly can do all things through Him.

Jesus holds a glowing lamp and guides a young woman. Golden leaves tumble down over the image.

Guiding Light by Annie Henrie Nader

Youth Theme ARt by Darin AShby

Somber painting of an angel comforting Jesus in Gethsemane.

Agony in the Garden - After Franz Schwartz by Darin Ashby

No matter what tragedies and challenges we face, we do not face them alone. Christ has already suffered and overcame the pains and mistakes of the entire human family. We can draw on His strength to overcome our own portion of that confusion and darkness. 

Darin’s sketch not only catches the eye with its sharp contrasts, but it also immediately communicates its message of Christ’s love through its symbolism. We love this piece for its clarity and simplicity. Many people even outside of our faith could easily recognize its meaning. 

A charcoal drawing of Jesus' scarred hand signing "I Love You".

Greater Love by Darin Ashby

Philippians 4:13 is a timely verse for right now, as many of today's youth feel like they face an uncertain future. We hope these images have helped spark some inspiration for embracing the 2023 youth theme. 

For more work by these artists, visit our online gallery! And if you liked this blog, you might also like:

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