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Emotionally Stirring Jesus Pictures

Emotionally Stirring Jesus Pictures

Annelie Hansen |

Emotionally Stirring Jesus Pictures

Painting of Jesus stumbling under the weight of His cross.

When it comes to topics as personal and sacred as a belief in Jesus Christ, it can sometimes be challenging to find artwork or media that does it justice. The experience might feel akin to reading a great work of literature and not feeling like the movie representation lines up with what we experienced on our own. But that does not mean that there is not great work out there.

At Altus, each of our artists approaches their craft with their healing encounters with the Savior and personal spiritual experiences. They draw much of their inspiration from a desire to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with others, and it makes for some stunning art pieces.

Comforting Jesus Pictures

Regardless of what challenges we face in life, we can trust in Christ and His ability to, with time, make everything work out for our good. In the end, He has promised that He will banish all sorrow, wipe away all tears, and make everything right.

Painting of Jesus holding a glowing lamp and motioning for the viewer to follow.

Lead, Kindly Light by Simon Dewey

Jesus’s invitation to follow Him applies to all of us. If we trust Him, He can help us navigate the challenges and tragedies of life.

Jesus’s invitation to follow Him applies to all of us. If we trust Him, He can help us navigate the challenges and tragedies of life.

Painting of Jesus holding a shepherd's staff and smling calmly. He stands next to a calm river.

Light of Hope by Simon Dewey

Painting of Jesus with a baby lamb in His lap. He is holding a shepherd's crook.

Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd by Simon Dewey

Jesus taught: ‘I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine” (John 10:14). Our relationship with Jesus Christ can help us feel a sense of security even when the world around us may feel out of control.

This painting reflects Christ’s ability to heal us regardless of our age or where we are at in life. He takes us wherever we are now and can help us achieve our eternal potential as children of God.

Painting of Jesus comforting a young girl and a man who is kneeling and kissing the hem of Christ's robe.

Balm of Gilead by Annie Henrie Nader

Jesus comforting an older woman. Light shines behind them.

Healer by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

All of us need healing in one form or another. No one is exempt from the natural struggles and challenges of life. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

God will never force us to come to Him. He deeply respects the choices that we make for ourselves. But it is important to know that He will never turn us away, either.

Jesus crouched down, reaching out with His scarred hand.

Rescuer by Haley Miller

Picture of Jesus smiling and stretching out His hand. He has an  orange and white robe.

Fear Not by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Just before Jesus faced the frightening event of the garden and the cross, He told His disciples: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught: “It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.” The Savior did not come to save perfect people. He came to save a broken human family. No matter our mistakes, He offers a way back.

Sketch of Jesus comforting a young woman.

Home by Annie Cole

Cinematic Jesus Pictures

Some of our artists are experts at angles and lighting. They take familiar scenes from Jesus’ life in the New Testament and present them in a way that makes us feel like we are present in the story. For many, it inspires new insights and perspectives. What do you think about this style of religious artwork? Let us know in the comments below!

Jesus crumpled in pain in Gethsemane.

Gethsemane by Adam Abram

In this painting, the artist manages to create something that is both beautiful and raw. Jesus is not in any sort of posed position. He is collapsed in pain, yet the surrounding light and scenery highlight the reality that Christ’s suffering was an act of deep love. 

This stunning piece speaks for itself. As with much of Lightweave’s artwork, the use of light and shadow grants a whole new perspective on familiar stories and themes.

Painting of Jesus crumbled under the weight of His cross.

Hero by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Panoramic picture of Jesus walking on the stormy sea.

Above All by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

When we are in the thick of things, it is easy to forget that God is in control. As we come to understand His powerful but loving nature, it becomes easier to trust Him. We are not forgotten. As the Lord reminded Enoch: “all flesh is in my hands” (Moses 6:32).

The apostle John began His epistle with: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). In a time when so many are searching for truth, we can turn to the direct source: God.

Jesus staring up at the night sky full of stars. His back is to the viewer and His arms are outstretched.

In the Beginning, Was the Word By Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus walking along the shore during sunset.

Abide with Me 'Tis Eventide by Kristin Yee

We love the sense of stillness and calm in this painting. The crisp colors and calm tide send a gentle reminder to slow down. Often it is in the quiet moments that we realize just how much God’s hand is in our lives.

Peter’s request to come to the Savior in the middle of the storm carries an important message. The Savior isn’t there just when things are going well. We can call out to Him and even do the impossible through Him, even during our darkest nights.

Picture of Jesus walking on water.

Bid Me Come Unto Thee by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus standing in Gethsemane. Light shines down on Him as He looks up into Heaven.

No Greater Love by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:12-13). Jesus set the ultimate example of what it means to love others. He can give us the strength to love, forgive, and heal in our own lives.

The story of the woman taken in adultery teaches many insightful things about the nature of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We love the way Eva approaches it in her artwork.

Jesus drawing in the dirt in front while the woman accused of adultry is kneeling.

Neither Do I Condemn Thee by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus leaning up against a tree in Gethsemane. His expression is pained.

Gethsemane by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Much of Lightweave’s work is filled with rays of light. But this simple scene, framed in darkness, speaks volumes. In Christ’s pained expression alone, they capture some of the gravity of His suffering in Gethsemane.

Throughout His ministry, the Savior often took time to go off alone to pray and reflect. This Jesus picture shows Christ doing just that, with the beauties of Heaven reflected in the still pond.

Jesus sitting on a rocky shore. The pink sky is reflected in the pond.

Glorious Moments by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Jesus walking out toward the stormy sea. Lightning splits the sea.

A Fourth Watch by Haley Miller

Sometimes it feels as if Heaven is silent. But the story of the Savior coming to the rescue at the fourth watch is a reminder that there is always hope. The storms and tragedies that we face are not the end. God is aware of us, but He may ask that we be still and trust Him.

The law of the harvest is a fundamental truth that still applies to our everyday lives. The scriptures teach us that we reap what we sow, in this life and the next. While that does not mean we are exempt from the struggles of life, it does mean that we can feel empowered in our ability to create something with what we have been given.

Jesusin a white robe walking through a wheatfield.

The Gatherer by Haley Miller

Jesus and Peter standing on the shore as the apostles bring the boat in.

After the Storm by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

When things get hard, sometimes it helps to look back on the times when we have already seen God’s hand in our lives. The memory of the peace or healing that we experienced can help bolster us when we find ourselves facing another challenging chapter of our lives.

To the early Christians who were facing insurmountable persecution for their beliefs, the apostle Paul taught: “in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Romans 8:37). Christ overcame all things. He can help us overcome our personal challenges.

Jesus' hand holding a crown of thorns. Sunlight shines on a new day.

Overcomer by Haley Miller

Touching Jesus Pictures

Life’s most precious moments tend to be some of the quietest. These Jesus pictures illustrate Jesus taking time to feel human emotions like sorrow and concern, interact with children, and enjoy the beauties of creation. Each sends a silent message that God can be found when we slow down and choose to be present.

Jesus holding a young child. The child is giving him a strand of wheat.

Gifts by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Often whenever we give something to God, we receive much more in return. The blessings may not always be immediate, but they are real. We can trust in His timing.

In the New Testament, we read about how Jesus wept. Even though He was moments away from performing a life-saving miracle, He still saw and felt the sorrow of His friends. Likewise, He sees and feels our pains and can help us recognize the miracles in our own lives.

Painted portrait of Jesus with a concerned expession.

Compassion by Robert Pack

Jesus and two children watching a flock of sheep beneath blossom trees.

Feed My Sheep by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Life will always be challenging, but the true doctrine of Jesus Christ brings peace. As we read in the book of John: “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life”. 

Darin Ashby takes a unique approach to illustrating Christ’s love for us. This picture of Jesus Christ’s scarred hand signing “I love you” has touched many. It is a silent sermon, reminding us that God’s love for His children runs deep and, He will communicate it to us in a way that we understand.

Jesus' scarred hand signing 'I love you'.

Greater Love by Darin Ashby

Jesus holding a small sparrow in His hand.

Not One Sparrow by Haley Miller

During His ministry, Jesus taught that even the sparrows were cared for by a loving Creator. If we are God’s children, we can certainly have hope and faith in His care. We may not always understand the tragedies happening right now, but with time all will be made right.

Sometimes what we offer to God might not seem like much. At times, we may feel faulty or broken, but that does not make our gift any less worthy. In many cases, like the poor widow’s mite, it carries immense wealth.

A small girl giving a branch of blossoms to Jesus.

The Gift by Rod Peterson

Jesus walking with a young girl through a field of lavendar.

Guardian by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

The color lavender is often associated with peace and calm. We love this piece by Jesse and Kelsy Lightweave because it catches the eye and invites us to take a moment to step back and just breathe.

Intelligence is an important part of godliness, and many consider wisdom to be one of life’s greatest treasures. Regardless of our background or education, Christ can lead us to knowledge and understanding we could not achieve on our own.

Jesus leading a flock of sheep past a wall of trees. The little girl at his side points up to the sunlight shining through the trees.

Halls of Wisdom by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Jesus holding an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Succor Our Every Need by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

This picture of Christ holding an infant shows a side of the Savior that we do not always see. He appears openly joyful and, with the natural surroundings and satchel, relatable and down-to-earth. We like this piece because it illustrates something of the goodness and love of our Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ.

Nature is often considered to be its own sacred place of worship. It is the work of the Master Creator right within reach of our five senses. Jesus, Himself often used examples from nature when teaching His disciples. What insights do you draw from this artwork?

Jesus walking through a field of lilies, his hands brushing across the flowers.

Consider the Lilies by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Abstract Jesus Pictures

Deep spiritual messages cannot always communicate in clear illustrations. Abstract or geometric style art has a way of cutting out the frills and drawing attention to what is most important. Often, these types of paintings hold quiet symbolism not always as easy to express as more narrative-style art. What insights do you draw from these more modern-style Jesus pictures?

Geometric portrait of Jesus Christ.

Christ Divine by Jorge Cocco

Jorge Cocco likes to make sure that historical accuracy or detail does not distract from the message of his artwork. This portrait of Christ is a fine example of his work, expressing the nature of the Savior in different angles, colors, and lines.

Madison Wardle took a similar approach to this painting, depicting Jesus with many different shades of skin tones and a halo. Here, personal connection to the Savior is the main point. God is no respecter of persons when it comes to His children, and His arms are outstretched to all of us.

Geometric painting of Jesus with a golden halo. His skin is various shades of color.

All Are Alike Unto God by Madison Wardle

Geometric painting of Jesus kneeling in prayer in Gethsemane.

Gethsemane by Jorge Cocco

Madison Wardle took a similar approach to this painting, depicting Jesus with many different shades of skin tones and a halo. Here, personal connection to the Savior is the main point. God is no respecter of persons when it comes to His children, and His arms are outstretched to all of us.

Classical Jesus Pictures

You can never go wrong with the old classics. Many of these paintings are based on classical Jesus pictures by the old masters. Others we have included because they have a sense of timelessness with the selected style, layout, and colors. This religious artwork is truly inspiring because it carries its message of Jesus Christ and His teachings throughout generations.

This painting by Joseph Brickey illustrates a sense of humble reverence. The Savior of the world was not born into wealth or status. Nor did He seek fame or renown. He came to do the will of His Father in Heaven.

Classic style portrait of Jesus Christ.

Man of Galilee by Joseph Brickey

Classic painting of Jesus praying in Gethsemane. An angel with large wings comforts Him.

Agony in the Garden - After Franz Schwartz by Darin Ashby

Words do not do justice to this stunning classic. In a way only an artist can express, it communicates something of the deep sorrow our Redeemer faced as He carried the burden of the world’s sins alone.

While Eva’s art is new and modern, the timeless color palette and composition of this piece make it fit easily among classic works. This beautifully simple depiction of the good shepherd saving the lost sheep reminds us that we are never outside our Savior’s healing reach.

Jesus carrying a black lamb on His shoulders.

For The Love of One by Eva Koleva Timothy

Watercolor painting of Jesus walking on water. His head is sillouhetted against the full moon.

Christ Walking on Water after Julius Von Klever by Jay Bryant Ward

We have an entire gallery of beautiful artwork depicting Jesus walking on water, but this particular painting was completed with the great masters in mind. It is a stunning piece that brings together a deep love for the Savior and a passion for quality art.

One of the most memorable moments in Christ’s ministry is when He gently brought a child out from among His audience of listeners and reminded them that the path to Heaven is paved with the sort of trust and humility little children possess. This painting captures the moment and its message beautifully.

Classical painting of Jesus showing a Jesus drawing attention to to a small child as He teaches.

As a Little Child by Joseph Brickey

Renaissance style portrait of Jesus Christ. A gold ring encircles His head.

Light of Life by Annie Henrie Nader

In developing her craft, Annie Nader traveled and studied the works of classic artists, so it is no surprise that her work has a stucco look to it in addition to her personal touches. We love the variety of textures and patterns that she brings to each painting, including this portrait of the resurrected Christ.

When we feel weak or like our efforts are insufficient, we can rely on the rock-solid strength of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is perfectly merciful, and He is also perfectly just. Having overcome sin, death, and everything ugly in between, there is no burden so heavy that He will not shoulder with us.

Classic style painting of Jesus. He has a broad statue and a solemn expression.

The Anointed One by Joseph Brickey

This blog is only a start to the styles and artists available at Altus Fine Art. To peruse our full gallery of Jesus pictures, visit our online store. And if you liked this blog, you might also like:

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