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2021 New Christmas and Nativity Art

2021 New Christmas and Nativity Art

Annelie Hansen |

A shepherd boy looks up into the night sky at the star.

2021 New Christmas and Nativity Art

It seems safe to say that all of us could use a little light and cheer at the end of this year. Many people feel unsettled by events and disasters happening around the world and in their local neighborhoods. With so many connected online, the world is a much smaller place. 

But regardless of what challenges we have faced as individuals or as a society, this special time of year reminds us that we do not need to face it all alone. God sent His only begotten Son to bring hope and salvation to the world. As the oft-quoted Christmas scripture says:

“And they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us” (Matthew 1:23).

God is always with us, often in ways that we may not always pay attention to. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and His life, we are reminded that God is still in control. The Savior took upon Him all pains and sicknesses. He has overcome the world and through Him, we too can transcend the deep pains and struggles of this life to grasp the eternal. Through Him, we can find the strength we need to overcome our weaknesses and the guidance we need to navigate our barriers.

Jesus Christ’s example taught us that when we trust God--even and especially when life would appear to be the darkest--we will come off conquerors. Not even death and sin could overcome the strength of our Redeemer, and that is a hopeful truth to keep in mind when facing up to our staggering challenges. As we look toward the new year and begin setting goals for ourselves, this special time of year can remind us that Jesus Christ has already overcome the world. Because of that, He can help us overcome our personal obstacles.

This Christmas season, we hope that the peace and the hope of the season permeate your home. In a time where so many seem divided, may we be able to find healing and draw close to family, friends, and neighbors. May we find warmth in each other’s company against the raging storms going on outside. And may Heaven grant, as the loved sacramental hymn pleads, that “frowning foes (change) to smiling friends” (Savior, Redeemer of My Soul).

Our artists have been working hard to bring you new art this holiday season. We are excited to present beautiful new paintings of the nativity and the holy family. 

Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!

- The Altus Team

Impressionists painting of the angles appearing to the shepherds.

Host of Angels by Mike Moyers

A painting of the angles appearing to the shepherds. The sky is filled with swilring words describing Jesus Christ.

The Word of God by Carol Ogden

Charcoal drawing of baby Jesus lying in a manger.

Adore Him by Annie Cole

Painting of the three wisemen riding camels across the desert toward the star.

We Three Kings by Mike Moyers

Geometric painting baby Jesus wrapped in a blue blanket with a glowing halo around His head.

Swaddled in the Heavens by Madison Wardle

Impressionist painting of Mary spending time with toddler jesus. Light from a window shines down on both.

Holy Mother and Child by MIke Moyers

Young shephered boy walking with sheep. He is looking back over his shoulder at the star.

Signs and Wonder by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Detailed photographic painting of baby Jesus lying in a manger. Sheep fill the background.

The Only Begotten by Haley Miller

Painting of Mary smiling down at Jesus as she wraps Him in swaddling clothes.

Away in a Manger by Brent Borup

For more art, visit our full collection of Christmas and Nativity paintings. Find the perfect piece for your loved ones, for neighbors, or for your favorite missionary.

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And don't worry; we publish art, not spam. In line with many principles of art, we believe good things come in small doses.

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