Latter-day Saint Gifts: Why Mini Card Packs Rock It

Annelie Hansen |

Banner displaying three mini card packs.

Latter-day Saint Gifts: Why Mini Card Packs Rock It

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then mini card packs are worth at least sixteen-thousand. These small boxes of touching scenes and inspiring art make the perfect LDS gifts and have a wide variety of uses. You might use them as part of busy bags for attending church. Or you might use them as Sunday lesson teaching aids or even place one or two on your mirror as everyday reminders of what matters most.

Many of our artists are prolific in their creativity. They are blessed with a gift for creating a quantity of quality, meaning they create enough stunning works of art to fill an entire pack of cards. Sometimes multiple packs. View our selection from popular LDS artists and photographers like Simon Dewey, Jorge Cocco, and Robert A. Boyd.

LDS Gifts for Missionaries

Mini card packs make perfect LDS gifts for missionaries. They’re easy to slip into a box or envelope, and they have multiple uses. Elders and Sisters can use them to write a note to a companion. Or they can use them to leave a message with the families they visit or to help illustrate a lesson for young children, or to decorate their apartment. Missionaries like to decorate journals and planners with religious art. 

With everything going digital, giving missionaries something tangible that they can use as they teach can be a big help. Doing this can help their message have a lasting impact on those with which they interact. They can leave something that may remind the person of what they learned or how they felt during the discussion. Here are just a couple of examples of mini card packs that would fit perfectly as a part of any missionary care package:

Cover of mini card pack featuring LDS art by Simon Dewey.

Simon Dewey - Learn of Me Minicard Pack

Cover of mini card pack featuring LDS art by Jorge Cocco.

Book of Mormon - Minicard Pack 

Sacrament Meeting Busy Bags

LDS art mini card packs make the perfect addition to the collection of items you may take with you to keep children quiet during sacrament meeting. The right mini cards can give kids something to look at or to use as part of a quiet game. The best part? They’re not even distracting. Each image delivers a spiritual message by depicting scripture stories, temples, or scenes from Christ’s life. They can keep kids not only quiet but also focused on the themes of worship service.  

Cover of mini card pack featuring biblical art by Jorge Cocco.

Jorge Cocco - Parables Minicard Pack

Cover of mini card pack featuring baptism artwork by Simon Dewey.

Simon Dewey - Follow Him Minicard Pack

Teaching Aids for Primary 

Cover of mini card pack featuring an LDS art image of Christ with children.

Simon Dewey - Jesus Loves Me Minicard Pack

On a similar note, you might consider using LDS art mini cards for teaching your primary class. Create a matching game or pick out visuals that match your lesson. Giving children a picture to connect the story with can help them to focus better. It can help them retain what they’ve learned. You might also use them as simple primary class birthday gifts or activity prizes. 

Additionally, these cards can come in handy for Come Follow Me activities and lessons, particularly if your family has a rambunctious lot of small children. LDS art, in any form, can help kids pay attention and participate. It gives them a chance for more visual, and if you include a game, hands-on learning.

Lesson Handouts

Cover of mini card pack featuring an up-close photo of temple door handles by Robert A. Boyd.

House of Learning (Temple Symbols) - Minicard Pack

It doesn’t have to end with primary or young kids. You can use mini cards in youth or adult lessons as handouts. They can enhance the discussion by giving each attendant something tangible to take with them once the lesson is over. You might consider inviting members of the class to take notes on the cards so that the discussion carries more personal meaning for them. 

And don’t be afraid to use an old favorite of yours. Your lesson or discussion may introduce new meaning and insight to an otherwise familiar piece of LDS art.

Notes & Reminders

Mini cards are also helpful outside the classroom. It’s common to put sticky notes or other reminders on mirrors, locker doors, or refrigerators. These cards can help you add a touch of inspiration to your everyday routine. You might use them to leave notes to family members or neighbors, especially during the holiday season. Attach a friendly note to a plate of cookies to leave on a neighbor’s doorstep or place one in a family member’s lunch box. It’s a simple way to change a loved one’s day for the better. 

LDS art mini card packs are small and inexpensive. Yet, they have the potential to bring hope, meaning, and even healing to children, youth, and families.

More Great LDS Gifts

Our LDS art comes in many more formats, not just mini cards or the kind of gallery art you hang on the wall. Add some extra oomph to your holiday, birthday, or baptism gift with more fun-sized paintings and photos by your favorite artists.   


Bookmarks are versatile LDS gifts. They are another great addition to missionary care packages since they are easy to ship and share with others. They even work well in a Sunday school class or other teaching settings as gifts. Or they make a fun baptism gift for your favorite bookworm.   

Bookmark featuring a painting of Christ by Simon Dewey.

Lead, Kindly Light bookmark

Bookmark featuring LDS art angels by Annie Henrie Nader.

Ministering Angels bookmark

Bookmark featuring an LDS art drawing of Captain Moroni by Joseph Brickey.

Title of Liberty bookmark

Small Prints

Small LDS art prints make it easy to decorate a locker, bedroom, bookshelf, or apartment. They are easy to pack and ship, making them another great option for an LDS gift for a missionary. Choose an image that is meaningful to you or your loved one. Then select a nice frame for it, and you may be surprised at how far a small piece of paper can go.  

LDS art small print of a photo of the Salt Lake Temple and grounds by Robert A. Boyd.

Salt Lake Temple - Eden 5x7 print 

LDS art small print painting of Jesus Christ by Simon Dewey.

Light of Hope 5x7 print

LDS art small print of Jesus Christ calling to his apostles by Jorge Cocco.

The Call 5x7 print 


Puzzles are fun for kids. It gives them time to step back from other busy, noisier tasks and to focus on something thoughtful and quiet. It may even encourage cooperation and teamwork as siblings or friends work together to finish the picture. Pair puzzles with mini cards to create weeks of fun Come Follow Me family lessons and activities.

LDS art puzzle featuring art by Jorge Cocco.

Tree of Life 100 Piece Puzzle

LDS art puzzle featuring an image of Jesus Christ by Kelsy and Jessy Lightweave.

Fear Not 100 Piece Puzzle

LDS art puzzle featuring a photo of Salt Lake City Temple Square by Robert A. Boyd.

Salt Lake - Temple Square 500 Piece Puzzle


Posters are great for youth, missionaries, and college students. They are repositionable, meaning they can be placed and replaced for decorating, transfers, or a new apartment. Many of our LDS art posters are done by the same artists that completed the mini card packs, sometimes even the same art pieces. If there is a picture you particularly like, you can also get it in poster form.  

LDS art poster of Jesus walking with a young child by Lightweave. Text reads: "I am a child of God."

I am a Child of God - Homeward Bound 12x18 repositionable poster

LDS art poster of a photo of the Nauvoo Temple by Robert A. Boyd. Text reads: "Keep on the Covenant Path."

Nauvoo Temple - Path 12x18 repositionable poster

LDS art poster of Jesus Christ guiding a praying young woman by Annie Henrie Nader. Text reads: "He is our guiding light."

He is Our Guiding Light 12x18 repositionable poster


These are easy LDS gifts for everyday activities. Stickers are surprisingly good motivators for young children, whether you are teaching a Sunday lesson or leading a family activity. They also give kids something with which to decorate a school notebook or personal journal. You might consider sending a few packs of stickers to missionaries to share with the families that they teach. 

LDS art stickers featuring a portrait of Jesus Christ.

The Dawning of a Brighter Day circle sticker pack of 60

LDS art stickers featuring the Salt Lake Temple at sunset.

Salt Lake Temple - Amazing Grace circle sticker pack of 60

LDS art stickers featuring various scenes of children participating in church activities such as baptism and the sacrament.

Choose the Right Sticker Set pack of 30

Art is something with which all of us can relate as part of the human family. Many of our artists have told us that their main goal is to share the inspiration and conviction they feel from their belief in Jesus Christ. You can use these accessible-sized masterpieces to share your testimony with those close to you.  

Want to see a new artist or theme for a mini card pack? Let us know in the comments! 

We have lots of new art coming in - Don't miss out!

And don't worry; we publish art, not spam. In line with many principles of art, we believe good things come in small doses.
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