Beautiful pictures of Jesus Christ bring inspiration and hope. It is not always easy to express faith in God and gratitude for His mercies in a way that matches how we feel. Art can transcend even elegant words to help us communicate as a human family, regardless of physical distances or differences. It is only natural, then, that religious art can also help us connect to our Father in Heaven and His son, Jesus Christ.
We have scores of beautiful pictures of Jesus. Our artists and photographers are deeply inspired by Christ’s healing influence in their lives and often express it through multiple different paintings or photos.
For this blog, we have ranked our top best selling images. Which ones do you connect with?
#21 - Christ Portrait
We will start with this stunning sketch. In this image, Joseph depicts the Savior as strong and sure. Historically, many were expecting the promised Messiah to be a military leader. They wanted freedom from their physical bondage. However, Christ came for a much greater mission: to save us from the bondage of sin and death.
Here we see some of the strength of body, mind, and character it must have taken to complete such an enormous mission. At the same time, Joseph’s drawing also articulates a sense of love and gentleness that also characterized the life of Jesus Christ.
#20 - Loaves and Fishes
Rose is known for the unique angles and characters she chooses for her LDS artwork. There are many beautiful paintings of Jesus that capture the miracle of the loaves and fishes. However, we appreciate Rose’s piece because she captures the definition of “miracle.”
Not only do we see the small amount of food, but the vertical layout of the painting also gives us an idea of the immense size of the multitude that such small portions fed. Additionally, Rose employs several shades of yellow. This artistic choice makes the crowd also appear to be light shining down on the Savior.
The artist reminds us that God’s miracles are real and that He can magnify our best efforts even when they seem small.
#19 - Heavenward
Jeff depicted the Savior when He is fasting and praying in the desert. The landscape is entirely barren and isolated, emphasizing the personal communication between God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ during this sacred time.
We love this painting for the humility that Jeff illustrates in Christ’s face. He does not look starved or weary, as we might expect of someone who was fasting for forty days and nights. He appears grateful and emboldened.
#18 - Light of Life
Annie’s LDS art has a characteristic look. Her education and art career have led her to many places in Europe, which has influenced the classic, stucco style she applies to all of her beautiful pictures of Jesus.
In this instance, a gold halo encircles His head as He walks away from the tomb. This painting is a subtle but remarkable celebration of Christ’s resurrection and what it means for us. The image is full of greens and yellows, matching the title: Light of Life. In our lives, regardless of their current circumstances, we can find light when we let in the Savior of the world.
#17 - Mercy’s Embrace
This well-known piece by Annie has inspired many. We love the warmth she illustrates, both in the lighting as well as its colors. This beautiful painting of Jesus feels just like what its title suggests: an embrace.
The scriptures remind us that all of us fall short of God’s glory. That is why He sent His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Through Him, we can feel that warm embrace throughout our lives as we serve those around us, just as Jesus did.
#16 - Refuge
In her beautiful painting of Jesus, Mandy is not referring to a physical refuge. She illustrates the sort of spiritual refuge Christ offers us. His arms are open, and His face is calm. He stands in what appears to be a wilderness, just as we all do in many ways, offering us peace and hope.
One of the inspiring things about Christ is that He is steady. In a world of constant fluctuation and change, we can rely on His refuge to never change.
#15 - Come Follow Me
In this painting, Jesus is beckoning for us to follow Him. It is interesting to note where Brent chose to paint the light source. We see it at the end of the path that Christ is leading us. In contrast, the foreground of the image is dark, especially in the bottom left corner. This suggests that no matter where we are in life, Christ is willing to guide us. He can lead us out of regret and confusion toward healing and truth.
Brent adds specific detail to this beautiful painting of Jesus. Even the path He stands on is symbolic. It is not smooth and even, but it is clear and visible. Such is our path through life as followers of Jesus Christ.
#14 - Fear Not
Kesly and Jesse have a style all their own. As their artist brand, Lightweave, suggests, they work a lot with dramatic lighting in their LDS artwork.
Here, the light surrounding Christ is bright. It highlights the blue of the sky and earthy colors of the Savior’s robes.
Christ is smiling and extending His hand as if to help lift us to higher ground. We love the title: Fear Not. It ties the piece together, reminding us that with God, all things are possible.
#13 - Holy One of Israel
Holy One of Israel by Simon Dewey
Here, Simon paints Jesus Christ as broad and physically strong. Christ holds a shepherd’s staff, reminding us that He is our protector. We can feel safe in His care.
We love this beautiful painting of Jesus because Simon also depicts the Savior as gentle. The soft textures and peaceful backdrop indicate that Jesus is not the kind of leader who aggressively seeks after power.
He would rather have us grow and increase. He has sacrificed Himself so that we can overcome our shortcomings and become leaders ourselves. That act is what makes Him the true leader.
#12 - Resurrection and the Life
This beautiful painting of Jesus Christ highlights the miracle of the resurrection and perhaps of life itself. A soft light surrounds the Savior as His gaze rests on us. In the backdrop, we see full tree branches, directing our eyes toward Heaven. The overall effect is that of reassurance and hope. This life is not the end. Through Jesus Christ, we can find eternal life.
#11 - Light of the World
Brent Borup chose to make Christ the entire focus of his painting. It is an up-close portrait with a simple cream-colored backdrop.
The Savior's even gaze immediately draws the viewer's eye, making the portrait feel almost like a gentle, one-on-one interview. It invites self-reflection on our relationship with Jesus Christ and the role that He plays in our life.
#10 - Light of Hope
This beautiful painting of Jesus is one of Simon’s newest pieces. As with his other artwork, it carries a lot of spiritual warmth and symbolism.
Christ is holding a staff, reminding us of His role as the Good Shepherd. Behind Him, a river flows in the background, signifying Christ’s teachings as the living water.
The sunlight shines over the mountains, illuminating the scene and suggesting how the Savior offers light to our world, as individuals, and as the human family.
#9 - The Dawning of a Brighter Day
Throughout the New Testament, Jesus constantly referred others to the Father. There are multiple instances when He pauses to thank Him vocally. Even the Lord’s Prayer is full of deep respect and humility.
By His example, Christ showed us the proper attitude to have toward our Father in Heaven. Even as a child, when he taught in the temple, Christ reminded his mortal parents that God’s work was of the highest priority.
This beautiful painting of Jesus has soft sepia tones and shows the Savior’s humble expression. It illustrates some of the relationships between God the Father and His beloved Son.
#7 - I Am
This beautiful painting of Jesus Christ illustrates His power as the Savior of the world. His expression is soft but sure, and He radiates light. He stands in front of a serene, natural setting that communicates the peace and life that His presence brings.
The title I Am is a statement of certainty and power in itself. It reminds us that Jesus Christ is the only way for us to find salvation. He does more than make up the difference for when we fall short. He makes all the difference. His influence inspires and encourages us to grow and improve.
#6 - In the Shepherd’s Care
No safer place exists outside of the Good Shepherd’s care. It may not always mean that life is easy--in fact, following Jesus Christ and His teachings can often make life more difficult.
But it will mean that no matter our circumstances, we can find peace, healing, and direction. And that lasts much longer than temporary excitement or any other trinkets with which the adversary tries to tempt us.
We love this painting because it illustrates the Savior’s mercy and tenderness. While He is just and will not bend the truth, Jesus Christ has an immense capacity to understand and care for the individual.
#5 - Abide With Me
Abide With Me by Simon Dewey
Purity and grace make up this beautiful picture of Jesus. He stands with HIs arms outstretched toward us, dressed in spotless robes and surrounded in a cloudy white.
Christ’s expression is not harsh or demeaning. It is open and understanding. He appears to be inviting us to come to Him to find comfort.
Through Jesus Christ, we can find healing, peace, and cleanliness from our past sins and mistakes.
#4 - He Lives
In this painting, Simon captures a vital part of Jesus’ greatest victory: the resurrection. We appreciate the artist’s decision in depicting Christ looking up toward Heaven.
It reflects His ever-present humility and gratitude toward our Father in Heaven. Light also shines down on Jesus Himself, symbolizing Heaven’s approval.
The resurrection spells hope for the human family. Through Jesus Christ and His atonement, we can overcome sin and death.
#3 - Grace and Truth
A peaceful backdrop is a symbolic element of beautiful pictures of Jesus. While it may not be what our eyes focus on, it can communicate a lot to the subconscious mind. In this case, the cream colors and golden clouds seem to give us a glimpse of eternity.
Through Christ, we can find peace in this life as well as the next.
#2 - The Good Shepherd
Our second-ranking image in our collection of beautiful pictures of Jesus is also by Simon Dewey. As you may have seen, he takes the top seven spots as his art has been inspiring individuals and families for decades.
In this piece, Christ’s expression appears watchful as He holds a shepherd’s staff. The painting communicates that Jesus Christ is ever aware of us. He knows and understands the struggles we face, and He is willing to guide, protect, and seek us out as the Good Shepherd.
#1 - Lead Kindly Light
Out of our entire gallery of beautiful pictures of Jesus, this painting ranks the highest. Flawless detail and smooth brushstrokes characterize Simon's art. But those qualities are not the only things that make this image so moving.
Here we see Jesus standing on a dark path and holding out light to us. He has a gentle smile, beckoning us to follow Him. It will always be our choice whether we walk in His light or choose to brave the darkness alone, though this painting points out which path is more hopeful in the end.
Our favorite part about this piece is that, beyond the darkness, there is the hope of sunrise. It reminds us that dark times do not last and that Christ can lead us to a brighter future.
What insights did you draw from these beautiful paintings of Jesus Christ? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
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