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Easter Art: Gethsemane Pictures & Crucifixion Paintings

Annelie Hansen |

Easter Art: Gethsemane Pictures & Crucifixion Paintings

The Easter story of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection is one of hope. It illustrates that even when the light of our world may appear to have gone out, that God is still present. Light will return. Life has seasons and it is often the dark times that make the happy ones shine more bright. 

Our artists and photographers are dedicated to their religious art. They put much time, thought, and heart into every piece, especially where the subject matter is Jesus Christ. Enjoy these touching pieces of Easter art featuring the Garden of Gethsemane pictures and crucifixion paintings.

Garden of Gethsemane Pictures

Garden of Gethsemane Photos & Digital Art

Photo of an olive tree in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Gethsemane by Robert A. Boyd

We will start with Robert’s Garden of Gethsemane pictures. The first is a photo of an olive tree. The olive branch is a well-known symbol of peace, which is exactly what Jesus Christ won for us in Gethsemane. While the world will remain turbulent and troubled until His return, Christ’s atonement allows us to find healing, be free from sins, and to one day live again.

Digital art Garden of Gethsemane picture showing Jerusalem's wall.

Garden of Gethsemane by Robert A. Boyd

Up-close Gethsemane picture of Jesus suffering as he leans against a tree.

Gethsemane by Lightweave

Kelsy and Jesse take a much more personal approach in their photo. This Gethsemane picture is an up-close image of Jesus as He is suffering.

The natural red spots of the tree symbolize the blood Jesus Christ shed for all of us, while the rest of the image is clean and focused, emphasizing His purity. Christ’s expression is one of deep sorrow and pain, immediately inviting reflection on what Jesus’ sacrifice means.

Picture of Jesus standing alone in the Garden of Gethsemane. Light shines down on Him.

No Greater Love by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

This next Gethsemane picture by Kelsy and Jesse shows Christ standing alone in the garden. Isolation seems to be the focus of this piece. We know from the New Testament that not even the disciples remained awake to be with Him and that God Himself had to withdraw for Jesus to complete His excruciating task. 

The title of this piece, No Greater Love, further highlights the lengths Jesus Christ is willing to go for each of us as individuals and as a human family.

Picture of Jesus clasping His hands and looking downcast.

And I Partook by Kristin Yee

Kristin Yee’s Gethsemane picture shows nothing of the garden. She had a different focus for her piece:

“This painting depicts Christ contemplating the bitter cup of which He is about to partake. Even in the weight of this moment, He is ever kind, gentle, and full of love, willing to be obedient to the will of the Father because of His love for Him and for each of us.”

The dark background foreshadows the bitter cup Kristen refers to, as well as the cruel events after the Garden of Gethsemane. But Christ remained strong and willing. His sacrifice was the ultimate gift of love.

Garden of Gethsemane Paintings

Garden of Gethsemane painting featuring olive trees.

Gethsemane Prayer Garden by Linda Curley Christensen

Here we see another Garden of Gethsemane picture focused on the olive tree. Characteristic of Linda’s art, the scene appears peaceful and full of light. It teaches that, in the end, joy was the reason for such a dark event as the Savior’s suffering and crucifixion. 

Because of Jesus Christ, we can find forgiveness, strength, growth, hope, and healing. Our darkest days can lead to brighter, more peaceful ones ahead.

Painting of Jesus kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane, surrounded by olive tree leaves.

Garden Meditation by Annie Henrie Nader

Annie has multiple Garden of Gethsemane pictures. She said of this painting:

“This is a portrait of Christ in reflection. The olive branches around Him represent the Garden of Gethsemane, the light pouring down from above represents the presence of the Father. It is a chance for the viewer to contemplate the face of Christ as He reflects about the sacrifice he is about to make, and also for us to see the great love He has for us.”

We love the simple yet profound symbolism she has included in the picture. Rarely do we see an image of the moment right before Christ’s suffering.

Agony in the Garden - After Franz Schwartz by Darin Ashby

Darin has a deep respect for the work of the old masters. In his Garden of Gethsemane picture, he bases his painting on the work done by German fine artist, Franz Schwarts.

It is a deep and somber painting. In many Jesus pictures, we see a man who is spiritually and physically strong. He appears to naturally lift and encourage those around Him.

However, in this image, Christ appears small beneath His burden. His expression seems almost hopeless, even in the presence of an angel. While we cannot comprehend the amount of anguish Jesus suffered to save the human family, we can always express our gratitude, especially in the way we live our own lives. 

Painting of Jesus kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Oh My Father by Simon Dewey

We love this Garden of Gethsemane picture by Simon Dewey. He masterfully depicts the humility and perhaps even some of the fear Jesus Christ expressed when petitioning the Father to let the immense weight of human suffering pass from Him. Yet, as He always did throughout His life and ministry, Jesus willingly submitted to the will of the Father (Matthew 26:39).

Painting of Jesus suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Gethsemane by Adam Abram

Adam’s piece is perhaps one of the most heart wrenching of our Garden of Gethsemane pictures. There is nothing glamorous about the scene he depicts. The Savior is lying on the ground, arms covering his face and body tensed with pain. Unlike most paintings of Christ in our collection, He is not standing tall and calm. His hair spills over his hand and his body twists with discomfort among rocks and tree roots. 

In many ways, we believe that this unique piece of art speaks for itself in terms of depth, reverence, and meaning.

Stucco-styled painting of Jesus praying in Gethsemane.

Advocate by Annie Henrie Nader

The title Advocate refers to Jesus’ role in helping us achieve salvation. He pleads with the Father on our behalf. Because He has suffered for our sins, He can help us obtain mercy.

In this Garden of Gethsemane picture, Annie shows the Savior’s humble gaze looking heavenward as he kneels in prayer. We see rays of light shining down in the form of roughened, stucco textures, giving the piece a classical touch and harking back to the artwork of old chapels and cathedrals.

Painting of Jesus suffering and praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Not My Will by Thine by Susan Edwards

Susan took a similar idea in her Gethsemane picture, but the scene has a more somber tone. Jesus’ hair appears lank with sweat. His eyes are nearly hidden with shadow and there are subtle traces of blood on his robe. He gazes Heavenward but his expression is pained and desperate. 

It is a painting of Jesus accepting the will of the Father, regardless of the cost. It is an inspiring reminder to us to trust in God’s plan for us, even if the immediate pathway appears painful and challenging.

Abstract Art Gethsemane Pictures

These next Gethsemane pictures were all done by the same artist. Jorge Cocco has a unique cubism-like style he has termed “sacrocubism”. He uses this abstract style in his religious artwork to convey deep spiritual truth to the mind.

Abstract painting of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Gethsemane by Jorge Cocco

In this first painting, we see Jesus kneeling in prayer in the garden. While the variety of shapes and colors create many different meanings, one of the most immediate comes from the way the image seems to be split in half. 

On the right side, there is light, symmetry, and calm. On the left, the trees stand crookedly and the light fades. This artistic choice highlights what Christ did in the garden: He suffered to save a dying and misguided world. He died so that we might also have Heaven’s light and calm in our lives.

Cubism-style painting of Jesus praying in Gethsemane.

Thy Will Be Done by Jorge Cocco

Jorge’s second Gethsemane picture is similar. We again see Jesus kneeling in prayer, but this time there are no specific details in the backdrop.

The painting is a swirl of warm and cool colors, suggesting perhaps the pain and sorrow Christ suffered. Yet, His gaze remains fixed on Heaven, illustrating His willingness to accept the Father’s will. 

Abstract sacrocubism painting of Judas betraying Jesus.

The Betrayal by Jorge Cocco

This is the only painting we have so far where the subject matter is Judas’ betrayal. The scene is full of dark, melancholy blues and purples, contrasted by the striking white of God the Father pointing an accusing hand toward the shadowy figure closest to Christ.

A matching pillar of light illuminates Jesus, making it clear which individual in the crowd is Him, just as Judas’ signal made it clear to the crowd of men coming to arrest Him.

Crucifixion Paintings

Painting of John and Mary kneeling at the cross.

No Greater Love by Simon Dewey

This next crucifixion painting by Simon takes place at the foot of the cross. We see Mary and the disciple John looking up at the crucified Savior. Behind them, a Roman guard stands against a sky of angry lightning while the other disciples look on, somber and disheartened.  

Mary’s expression makes this a powerful piece. Tears stream down her face as she reaches a feeble hand toward her dying son and clutches His red sash to her chest. The same woman who was called by God to bear His son also lived to witness His death. Simon’s work reminds us of the personal impact Christ’s death had on the lives of His loved ones. 

Crucifixion picture of Mary holding Jesus after He's taken from the cross.

Streams of Mercy by Annie Henrie Nader

Annie said of her crucifixion painting, Streams of Mercy:

“I painted this in response to a challenge to paint something deeply meaningful to me with no thought of how marketable the piece would be...The result shows Mary holding the body of Christ soon after the Crucifixion. This painting may also be interpreted to be of the angel who strengthened Christ in Gethsemane. In both interpretations, the angelic figure represents each of us and our deep love and awe of the Savior’s mercy and grace.”

Abstract crucifixion painting. Jesus' spirit leaves the His crucified body.

It is Finished by Jorge Cocco

Jorge depicts Jesus’ death in a sacred and hopeful way. Although His death was and brutal, we see His spirit rise triumphantly toward Heaven. The title It is Finished speaks of victory and relief. Jorge’s crucifixion picture teaches that this life is not the end and that there is much more to us than our physical bodies or our temporary circumstances in life. 

However, the beautiful thing about abstract art is that anyone can draw their own interpretation. What insights do you see?

Because of Jesus Christ, we can find forgiveness, strength, growth, hope, and healing. Our darkest days can lead to brighter, more peaceful ones ahead.

The Atonement by Doc Christensen

Doc chose to portray all the events of Jesus Christ’s atonement in one painting. Here we see Christ suffering in the garden, hanging from the cross, and standing as a resurrected being. 

Each one of these events was vital to Jesus completing His mission as the Savior of the world. He was able to overcome sin at Gethsemane. He voluntarily laid down His life at the cross so that He could break the chains of death through His resurrection.

Art allows us to connect as humans, especially when it comes to shared religious beliefs. Often it conveys messages, themes, and meanings that we can relate to as a whole. Which of these Easter art paintings did you connect with? Let us know in the comments.

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And don't worry; we publish art, not spam. In line with many principles of art, we believe good things come in small doses.

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