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13 Inspiring Christian Calendars for 2021

Environment shot of a Robert A. Boyd calendar. Text reads: "2021 Calendars. 13 Inspiring Calendars to bring in the New Year."

Annelie Hansen |

13 Inspiring Christian Calendars for 2021

Between natural disasters and a worldwide pandemic, 2020 hasn’t played nice with any of us. It’s time for a fresh start. It’s time to take the lessons from this year and start again with new goals and new hope.

That’s why we are excited to announce our new 2021 calendars, brought to you by our fabulous artists, expert photographers, and hardworking production team. We craft each calendar to invite inspiration into 2021. Each is a reminder that God is deeply aware of the challenges we are facing and that He “is preserving you from day to day, by lending you breath, that ye may live and move and do according to your own will, and even supporting you from one moment to another.” (Mosiah 2:21)

Calendars With images of jesus christ

Simon Dewey 2021 calendar cover. Christ stands on a riverbank.

 Simon Dewey 2021 Calendar - Light of Hope

Light of Hope is the name of Simon Dewey’s newest work this year, making it the first to be released in several years.

Many are familiar with his Christian art. He has a recognizably realistic and yet flawless style to the scenes he portrays in his paintings.

Simon's calendar also includes some of his well-known works, such as In the Shepherd’s Care and Unto Us a Child is Born.  

Annie Henry Nader's 2021 calendar cover. Jesus carries two lambs.

Annie Henrie Nader 2021 calendar - Mercy's Embrace

Annie’s Christian calendar features many different inspirational scenes. She has masterful portraits of Christ, beautiful scenes of angels, and multiple depictions of women of faith.

The variety of textures in her artwork make this the perfect addition to any home or office.   

Lightweave's 2021 calendar. Jesus as a shepherd sits beneath a tree.

Lightweave 2021 Calendar - our shepherd

Dramatic light and warm colors characterize Lightweave’s religious paintings. Their Christian calendar includes a good variety of images of Jesus Christ, from New Testament stories to scenes of Christ with children. The 2021 calendar even has one of their most loved works, Finisher of Our Faith.  


Jesus saves Peter from the storm.

Finisher of faith by jesse and kelsy lightweave

Joseph Brickey's 2021 calendar cover. A portrait of Jesus Christ.

Joseph Brickey 2021 Calendar - messiah

Joseph’s calendar depicts a more stoic, though no less beautiful, collection of Jesus Christ paintings.

His Christian calendar includes many scenes from the New Testament, including the Pieta, the healing of the daughter of Jarius, Gethsemane, and Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem.   

Calendars that tell bible Stories

J. Kirk Richar's 2021 calendar cover. Painting of Jesus guiding sheep.

J. Kirk Richards 2021 Calendar - come, follow me

Many of the Christian calendars we’ve mentioned so far also include scenes from the Bible. However, J. Kirk Richard’s focus on Judeo-Christian themes brings a few New Testament stories that get less attention. For example,

The Road to Emmaus and Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Best of all, this calendar features J. Kirk’s contemporary style.  

Rose Datoc Dall's 2021 calender cover. A painting of Mary looking heavenward.

rose Datoc Dall 2021 calendar - women of faith

Rose Dall’s Christian calendar includes many of her paintings of faithful women, from Rachel clear back to Eve.

It features several pictures of Mother Mary, as well as other women in the Bible, such as the Widow of Zarephath.  

Calendars with lDS Temple Pictures

Anne Bradham's 2021 calendar cover. Watercolor painting of Draper, Utah Temple.

Anne Bradham 2021 calendar - holiness to the Lord

We have some impressive photographers that capture LDS temple pictures, but not too many artists.

Anne Bradham’s 2021 calendar features twelve of her beautiful temple watercolors. It includes popular ones such as the Salt Lake Temple, the San Diego Temple, and the Washington D.C. Temple (where Anne grew up!)   

Hank deLespinasse's 2021 calendar cover. An evening scene of the Nauvoo Temple.

Hank delespinasse 2021 calendar - look to the temple

Hank deLespinasse puts 50 years of education and experience into his LDS temple photos. And it shows!

His calendar displays an entire year’s worth of stunning temple scenes, including sunsets, clear skies, and even Christmas lights.   

Lance Bertola's 2021 calendar cover. The St. George Temple against a colorful monsoon-season sunset.

Lance Bertola 2021 calendar - sacred beauty

Lance Bertola captures more than the temple in his images. His photos are also known for the beautiful pinks, purples, oranges, and blues of the sky.

It’s eye-catching. The backdrops almost look like paintings themselves, which is a natural complement to the beauty of the temples. 

Lance Bertola captures more than the temple in his images. His photos are also known for the beautiful pinks, purples, oranges, and blues of the sky. 

Mandy Jane Williams' 2021 calendar cover. Side view of the Manti Utah Temple with white and yellow flowers.

Mandy Jane Williams 2021 calendar - i love to see the temple

Mandy Williams brings together the best of both worlds, combining her photography and artistic skills to bring familiar temple images to a new light. Her LDS temple pictures are very relaxed and focused. There are very few surroundings, just the sacred buildings themselves and the beautiful flowers that always garnish temple grounds.   

Scott Jarvie's 2021 calendar cover. A photograph of the Rexburg, Idaho Temple.

Scott Jarvie 2021 calendar - between heaven & earth

Scott Jarvie’s calendar only shows a small portion of his work. It includes some beautiful temples that don’t always get as much attention. This includes Rome, Phoenix, Nashville, Boston, and even Rexburg.

You can also find about every season and time of day, so if you’re looking for variety, then Jarvie’s is a great pick.   

Calendars With church history and book of mormon stories

Robert A. Boyd's 2021 calendar cover. Light streaming down onto the young Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove.

Robert a. boyd 2021 calendar - ask in faith

Robert A. Boyd’s work usually consists of LDS temple pictures, but for his 2021 calendar, we decided to feature his Church History pieces.

The title, Ask in Faith, is reflected in every monthly scene. From the Joseph Smith Cabin to the Grandin Press, and finally to Carthage Jail.

It’s an inspiring collection of Robert’s work that can bring inspiration long after 2021. 

Jorge Cocco's 2021 calendar cover. Painting of Nephi holding Liahona.

Jorge Cocc 2021 calendar - book of mormon stories

Jorge Cocco’s “sacrocubism” brings a new perspective to many familiar scenes in the Book of Mormon.

His LDS art pieces throughout the year follow the story of Lehi’s family from their journey into the desert until Christ’s glorious appearance. It’s not one you want to miss.   

The best part? Besides the end of 2020, that is. Each of these Christian calendars includes a free print from the artist. If you’re still not sure which ones you want, you can visit each artists’ page on our website to get a better feel for their style. 

The next step, of course, is to pencil in all of those 2021 goals and plans. What does 2021 look like for you? And what meaningful artwork has carried you through this past year?  

We have lots of new art coming in - Don't miss out!

And don't worry; we publish art, not spam. In line with many principles of art, we believe good things come in small doses.

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