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Lightweave: A Different Kind of Brush

Environment Shot of  "Finisher of Faith" by Lightweave. Text reads: "Lightweave a Different Kind of Brush".

Annelie Hansen |

Lightweave: A Different Kind of Brush

In this week’s blog, we are excited to introduce you to an amazing artistic duo. Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave (aka Lightweave) work together as wife and husband, along with their children, to create photographic art that is both uplifting and unique. 

They started their family photography venture back in 2013 with an emphasis on children, family, and newborn photography. Over time, Kelsy and Jesse began producing digital Christian art when it became apparent that the works created had the potential of evoking a strong positive influence on people’s lives. 

The digital works of the Lightweave family are inspired by the personal connection we all have with the Savior. By combining unique religious symbolism with personal application, Lightweave sheds a different perspective on the power of divine reflection. Each photographic illustration they create contains a story or message told through symbols and imagery. 

The marvelous works of Jesus Christ have been told before, during, and after his earthly life and ministry. Christ’s story and mission continue to be told through the vision and script of artists all over the world. Lightweave’s desire is to share the same message using a different kind of brush. 

Recently, Lightweave received the prestigious "Visitor's Choice" Award in the 11th International Art Competition for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Their piece, The Finisher of Faith was chosen as an audience favorite.

Without further ado, let’s highlight some of these amazing pieces.


Jesus walking on water and saving Peter from the waves.

“As Peter discovered in his journey across the water, when we lose sight of the Author of our Faith, we can quickly become subject to the vying forces around us, and have our faith become deposed by fear.

“In such moments of darkness and calamity, we may sink to our knees with the same desperate plea uttered by Peter when he called to his Savior: 'Lord, save me.' The hallowed hand of the Master is never far. We may slip, and we may stumble, but we are never lost when we look to him for help. He will help us up, he will complete our lack, and he will Finish our Faith.” -Lightweave

My Young Shepherd: 

Jesus walking down a dirt path past a family of sheep, holding hands with a young shepherd.

We walk over mountains,

through water and dust.

we walk under starlight

to morning's first gust.

Together we help them,

the sheep I love dear,

to pastures much greener

along thy frontier.

Feed them with comfort,

the spirit, my word. 

Follow my footsteps, 

and be thou anchored.

They need a good servant,

companion, and friend.

They need someone willing,

so, thou I will send. 

I'll be ever near thee

if wisdom ye seek,

in the pastures of trouble,

when outcomes look bleak.

The light may be absent,

for a moment or two,

breaking from clouds

to help see thee through.


My spirit's soft whisper,

is a gift just for thee.

To My Young Shepherd,

with love, eternally.


Homeward Bound:

Jesus walking through a field with a little girl. Both hold a shepherd's staff.

A Friendship forever, a friendship that lasts. 

A joy that has ever all moments surpassed.  

Let not the darkness, the dreary and doom, 

take me from heaven, or light's warm bloom.  

A friend is forever. He knows me—my past. 

Stray from Him never, beside Him, steadfast.  

Shepherd by shepherd, so glad to be found! 

Feeding His flocks and to be homeward-bound.


Fear Not:

Jesus with his hand outstretched toward the viewer. He wears a kind smile.

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” - Isaiah 41:10

“Being away from home can be difficult at times, especially when embarking on the Lord’s errand. Likewise, this mortal world is an experience away from home. We will experience some of our hardest moments of existence while in this place between chaos and order.  But we are never alone. 

Remembering who to call upon in such times can have momentous power over such feelings. Look to Isaiah’s promise and fear not, he is with us; be not dismayed. He is our God! He will strengthen us, He will help us, He will uphold us with His right hand of righteousness.” - Lightweave

Glorious Moments:

Jesus crouched on a rocky shore looking out at a lake reflecting the orange and pink clouds.

“Let our thoughts be turned to the God of Morning each time we retreat from our nightly slumber. Each breaking dawn brings with it a glorious moment to reflect on a new day, a new hope, and a new life—a sweet and loving admonition from the heavens, assuring us that we may one day be perfected through consistent renewal of self. A blessing and joyous opportunity granted us by the atonement of Jesus Christ. 

“The Savior remained ever close to His Father in Heaven, praying frequently so that He may complete the mission that would fulfill the promise each morning brings. Because He succeeded, we can bask in the morning light with our souls full of the love and light He brings. If we can take the time to spend one glorious moment with Him each time we wake, the song of our morning prayer will continue with us through the thoughts of the day, turning our acts towards Him and emanating His song to other ears.” -Lightweave

Call of the Master:

Jesus standing on the shore watching the disciples come in on their boat.

“When the call comes. . . will we be ready to seek the hidden riches? Realizing that we all have busy lives, we often find it hard to see beyond the tasks at hand. We can become so busy, that tasks start to become perfunctory in nature. In the midst of the tumult, it frequently comes--when least expected: the call to do something greater. 

“The hope of this symbolic art piece, is to remind us of time, work, and the purpose of our Earthly experience. Hopefully, we can make time to calm the waters surrounding our busy endeavors, reflect upon existence, and perhaps see the Savior, standing along the shore, ready to issue His call.” 


We truly are excited to have Lightweave as part of the Altus family and look forward to the many more amazing pieces of art that we know will come from this talented family. 

It is our hope that you have been uplifted and edified as you have browsed these beautifully crafted works of art and read their inspiring messages.

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