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Latter-day Saint Primary Teaching Stickers

Latter-day Saint Primary Teaching Stickers

Annelie Hansen |

Latter-day Saint Primary Teaching Stickers

Banner image featuring primary teaching stickers.

Stunning LDS art isn’t just for decorating your home. It also makes the perfect teaching resource for Sunday School and primary classes. Add these stickers to your primary teaching resources and give children fun, inspiring rewards and reminders to help enhance your lessons.

Each set of stickers comes with a common primary theme and includes popular art by some of your favorite Latter-day Saint artists like Simon Dewey, Robert Boyd, and Mandy Jane Williams. Find the perfect one for your Come Follow Me lessons or singing time activities.

Baptism Stickers

Baptism is one of the first steps that we all take on the path of discipleship. It is a special event that demonstrates our willingness to take the Savior’s invitation and follow Him. But even before we are baptized, there are many ways that we can follow Jesus’ example. Showing kindness to others, studying God’s word, and taking care of ourselves are all important ways we become like Him.

Set of primary resource stickers featuring a painting of Jesus being baptized by John. Text on the stickers reads: "Come Follow Me".

"Choose the Right" Stickers

Set of Latter-day Saint primary stickers showing children getting baptized, taking hte sacrament, and looking at the temple. Each one says "CTR".

Deciding to choose the right is one of the simplest and yet most profound lessons taught in primary classes and singing time. It is something that, even as adults, can be a challenge to remember. These LDS art stickers show children examples of what it means to choose the right. It means to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and to make special covenants with God that empower us on that path.

"Come Follow Me" Stickers

Christ’s invitation to follow Him extends to all of us, regardless of our age or stage of life. Children often have the most powerful impact when it comes to loving others unconditionally, which is at the heart of how Jesus lived His life. Remind them of their amazing potential as they choose to walk in the Savior’s footsteps and trust His guidance.

Set of stickers featuring comforting artwork of Jesus. Text on each sticker reads: "Come Follow Me".

"Love One Another" Stickers

Set of primary teaching stickers featuring a painting of Jesus interacting with two children. Text on each sticker reads: "Love One Another".

When we understand our identity as literal children of God, it becomes easier to respect ourselves and those around us. When we can feel the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in our lives, it tends to soften our hearts toward others. Every one of us carries heavy burdens. But those burdens are not always obvious, which is why Jesus counseled us to love one another.

"Jesus Loves Me" Stickers

Children and youth today face so much confusion around the concept of self-worth and identity. The world would have them draw their sense of self from shallow sources. Help remind them that they already have worth. Nothing can take it away from them, and the unconditional love of Jesus Christ helps them find more inner peace than anything else.

Set of primary teaching resource stickers featuring a painting of Jesus sitting with a child. The text on each sticker reads: "Jesus Loves Me".

"I Love To See The Temple" Stickers

Set of stickers featuring the Salt Lake City Temple and flowers. The text on each sticker reads: "I love to see the temple."

The temple is a symbol of God’s plan for His children. It is where we can learn more about our identity as children of God and our purpose in life. It is where we can be sealed together as families, and it is where we make special promises with God. These stickers can remind your Sunday school class that the temple is so much more than just a pretty building.

"I am a Child of God" Stickers

It’s a simple phrase that we repeat constantly as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Yet, it is something not everyone knows or even considers. These stickers can help teach each student in your primary class that they are so important to Heavenly Father. Regardless of challenges or mistakes, they will always carry incalculable worth.

Set of Latter-day saint primary class stickers featuring a painting of Jesus with children looking at lilies. The text on each sticker reads: "I Am a Child of God".

Salt Lake Temple - Amazing Grace Stickers

Set of round stickers featuring the Salt Lake Temple at sunset.

This set of stickers solely focuses on the temple. There are no printed words, just the art. Stickers like this can be helpful for older primary students who might still like decorating their scriptures or other things without looking too kiddy. They are the perfect addition to any lesson about temple covenants.

The Dawning of a Brighter Day Stickers

A meaningful portrait of Christ can carry personal meaning. This stunning piece by Simon Dewey is also a great pick for senior primary classes. The gentle colors and style communicate a message of peace and hope to youth struggling with confusing issues at home or at school. 

Set of sunday school stickers featuring portraits of Jesus.

Stickers make for some of the best primary teaching resources because they are simple reminders of profound gospel truths. Similarly, bookmarks and mini cards make for good awards or handouts. Find them at our online store. 

For more primary teaching ideas, check out these additional blog posts:

Latter-day Saint Gifts: Why Mini Card Packs Rock It

Baptism Gifts for Boys

Baptism Gifts for Girls

I Am a Child of God: 10 Touching Pictures of Jesus With Children

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