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Latter-day Saint Art Classics

Latter-day Saint Art Classics

Annelie Hansen |

Latter-day Saint Art Classics

Timelessness is a sign of great art. It often means that it carries something that the human family connects with throughout generations. And it is why even to this day, people study the works of the great masters. 

At Altus Fine Art, it is an honor to have supported so many talented Latter-day Saint artists. For this blog, we wanted to focus on some time-honored classics that continue to bring hope, warmth, and inspiration to so many.

Simon Dewey 

The artist whose work started it all, Simon Dewey’s religious artwork has been inspiring people for decades. His eye for detail, experience in illustration, and love for the Savior come together to create stunning paintings.

Painting of jesus stepping outside of the tomb.

He Lives by Simon Dewey

Jesus comforting Mary outside of the tomb.

Why Weepest Thou by Simon Dewey

Jesus interacting with two children.

As I Have Loved You by Simon Dewey

Painting of Jesus holding a shepherd's crook.

The Good Shepherd by Simon Dewey

Jesus looking at lilies with children.

Consider the Lilies by Simon Dewey

Jesus comforting a young girl by drying her tears.

I Will Dry Your Tears by Simon Deweyur heading text goes here

Peace, Be Still by Simon Dewey

Jesus smiling at a laughing little girl. A dove flies above.

Of Such is the Kingdom of God by Simon Dewey

Jesus washing disciple's feet.

In Humility by Simon Dewey

Young Jesus kneeling in prayer with his mother Mary.

In Favor with God by Simon Dewey

Jesus being baptized by John.

To Fulfill All Righteousness by Simon Dewey

Jesus Smith sitting at a desk translating the gold plates.

By the Gift and Power of God by Simon Dewey

Jesus ministering tot he people in the Book of Mormon.

That Ye May Know by Simon Dewey

Jesus inviting two of the disciples to leave their fish and follow him.

Fishers of Men by Simon Dewey

Portrait of Jesus again a brown backdrop.

Divine Redeemer by Simon Dewey

Jesus speaking with the woman at the well.

Living Water by Simon Dewey

Jesus sitting beside a calm river, holding a shepherd's staff.

Beside Still Waters by Simon Dewey

Jesus saving Peter from drowning.

Lord, Save Me by Simon Dewey

Jesus in a white robe with his hands extended.

Abide With Me by Simon Dewey

Jesus teaching Mary and Martha.

The Better Part by Simon Dewey

Jay Bryant Ward

Warming the heart and uplifting the soul are Jay Ward’s goals as an artist. His LDS artwork serves as a reminder of what is most important, inspiring faith in the Savior and hope in God’s promises.

Feed My Sheep by Jay Bryant Ward

A child standing at Jesus' side.

Under His Wing by Jay Bryant Ward

Jesus walking on water.

Where Jesus Walked by Jay Bryant Ward

A toddler boy sitting with Jesus.

Grace of God by Jay Bryant Ward

Jesus walking with with a young shepherd boy.

Lead Me, Guide Me by Jay Bryant Ward

Jesus looking up toward Heaven and and motioning toward the viewer.

Our Advocate by Jay Bryant Ward

Sepia toned portait of of Jesus with his hands clasped in prayer.

In Humility by Jay Bryant Ward

A little girl with brunette hair kneeling and praying at Jesus' knee.

At Jesus Knee by Jay Bryant Ward

A blonde little girl kneeling at Jesus' knee.

A Child's Prayer by Jay Bryant Ward

Jesus comforting two children.

I Feel My Savior's Love by Jay Bryant Ward

A little girl holding a flower and sittting at Jesus' feet.

Little One by Jay Bryant Ward

Adam and Eve looking down on their newborn son.

First Parents by Jay Bryant Ward

Young David standing in front of an enormous lion he defeated.

David's First Goliath by Jay Bryant Ward

Jesus sitting with three children.

One By One by Jay Bryant Ward

A mother from the Book of Mormon teaching her son.

Seed of Faith by Jay Bryant Ward

Jorge Cocco

Jorge Cocco’s unique style, which he has termed “sacrocubism”, is layered with symbolic meaning. By pulling away from physical or historical details, he seeks to speak directly to the soul in his collection of Latter-day Saint art.

Geometric painting of the last supper.

The Last Supper by Jorge Cocco

Abstract style painting of Jesus teaching the Sermon on the Mount..

Sermon on the Mount by Jorge Cocco

Abstract style painting of Lehi's dream and the tree of life.

The Tree of Life by Jorge Cocco

Geometric painting of Samuel the Lamanite preaching to the people.

Samuel the Lamanite by Jorge Cocco

Geometric painting of the angel giving the gold plates to Joseph Smith.

Moroni and Joseph Jorge Cocco

Geometic painting of Jesus leading a flock of sheep.

Good Shepherd by Jorge Cocco

Abstract style painting of Jes sspeaking with the woman at the well.

Feed Them by Jorge Cocco

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman by Jorge Cocco

Abstract painting of Jesus casting out devils.

The Gadarene by Jorge Cocco

Nativity by Jorge Cocco

Geometic painting of Jesus of Jesus calling out to the fisherman.

Come, Follow Me by Jorge Cocco

Geometric painting of a carrying a sack through the night.

Like a Thief in the Night by Jorge Cocco

A geometric painting of the five foolish virgins and five wise virgins

Ten Virgins by Jorge Cocco

Geometric painting of Jesus teaching Martha and Mary.

Jesus, Martha, and Mary by Jorge Cocco

Geometric painting represetning Judas' betrayal of Jesus.

The Betrayal by Jorge Cocco

Abstract style painting of Jesus speaking with the young ruler.

Then Jesus Beheld Him with Love by Jorge Cocco

An abstract painting of the parable of the wise man and the foolish man.

The Rock and the Sand by Jorge Cocco

Abstract painting of Nephie from the Book of Mormon.

Go and Do by Jorge Cocco

Abstract painting of the prophet Mormon working on his records.

Mormon, the Historian by Jorge Cocco

Geometric painting of Jesus showing the marks on His hands to a group of people.

His Marks by Jorge Cocco

Joseph Brickey

A scholar of the old masters, Joseph Brickey has completed religious paintings that have gone on to win an impressive collection of notable awards. His philosophy is that art should have both the quality of a museum piece and the inspiration of the common human heart.

Painting of two of the sons of Helaman saying goodbye to their mother.

They Did Not Doubt by Joseph Brickey

Drawing of Captain Moroni holding the title of liberty.

Title of the Liberty by Joseph Brickey

Portrait of Jesus looking strong and firm.

The Anointed One by Joseph Brickey

Joseph The Man by Joseph Brickey

Painting of Lehi praying in the desert. His camel stands behind him.

Nephi at the Forge by Joseph Brickey

Sons of Helaman by Joseph Brickey

Christ in America by Joseph Brickey

Lehi in the Desert by Joseph Brickey

Small Means by Joseph Brickey

Robert A. Boyd

Photographer and painter Robert Boyd have traveled all over the world to complete an extensive gallery of LDS temple pictures and religious artwork. And it is still growing! Here are some of his pieces that have stood the test of time.

Vertical photo of the Salt Lake Temple. Sun shines through the trees.

Salt Lake Temple - Springtime by Robert A. Boyd

Sale Lake City Temple square covered in snow.

Salt Lake Temple - Sanctuary by Robert A. Boyd

Distant photo of Temple square glowing in the night.

Salt Lake Temple - Temple Square by Robert A. Boyd

Bismark Temple glowing against a pink and purple skies.

Bismarck Temple - Ascension by Robert A Boyd

Salt Lake Temple against a cloudy sky.

Salt Lake Temple - Refuge by Robert A. Boyd

Panoramic photo of the Draper temple glowing in the night sky.

Draper Temple- Sunset Panoramic by Robert A Boyd

Panoramic photo of the Bountiful Temple nestled in the hills.

Bountiful Temple - Fall Mountains by Robert A Boyd

Cedar City Temple standing tall against a sunset.

Cedar City Temple - Sunset Panorama by Robert A Boyd

Tree of life standing on a hill. Light shines down around it.

Tree of Life by Robert A. Boyd

Jesus walking on water.

To the Rescue by Robert A. Boyd

Canning jars labeled faith, hope, and charity.

Canning Jars - Faith, Hope, and Charity by Robert A Boyd

Scott Jarvie

Well-known Utah photographer Scott Jarvie considers himself “a technically minded geek that comes from a family of artists.” His talent for photography, love of travel, and reverence for the temple all shine through in each of his art pieces.

Gilbert Arizona Temple glowing in the night.

Gilbert Arizona Temple - Twilight by Scott Jarvie

Phoenix Arizona Temple - Reflecting Pool by Scott Jarvie

Tulips in front of the Salt Lake City Temple.

Salt Lake Temple - Tulips by Scott Jarvie

St. George Temple standing behind a green lawn with flowers.

St. George Temple - Flower Garden by Scott Jarvie

Provo City Center Temple surrounded by dried reeds.

Provo City Center Temple - Fall Reeds by Scott Jarvie

Rexburg Temple standing against a yellow sunset.

Rexburg Temple - Sunset Panorama by Scott Jarvie

Panoramic photo of the Las Vegas Temple rising above the city.

Las Vegas Temple - City in Sepia by Scott Jarvie

Photo of the Salt Lake Temple doors angled up toward the sky.

Salt Lake Temple - Doors by Scott Jarvie

Field of flowers stretched out in front of the Jordan River Temple.

Jordan River Temple - Below the Garden by Scott Jarvie

Provo Temple glowing against the wnoy mountains at night.

Provo Temple - Winter Morning by Scott Jarvie

Boise Temple reflection pool reflecting the lights and the night sky.

Boise Temple - Reflection pool by Scott Jarvie

San Diego Temple glowing against the night sky.

San Diego Temple - Lights on a Hill by Scott Jarvie

Robert Barrett

Robert Barrett’s talent spans beyond paintings. He has also completed illustrations and entire murals, making a name for himself locally and abroad. The level of color and detail in his gallery of LDS artwork immediately captures attention, inviting us into the scene to reflect on its meaning.

Painting of Jesus speaking with the woman at the well.

Woman At the Well by Robert Barrett

Painting of Heber Kimball and Brigham Young standing up in the wagon and waving to their family.

Hurrah for Israel by Robert Barrett

Painting of Jesus rising through the clouds after being resurrected.

Resurrected Christ by Robert Barrett

Painting of spirits gathered around the throne of God in a coucil.

The Grand Council by Robert Barrett

Pioneer woman standing in a field, holding a basket of flowers.

Pioneer by Robert Barrett

Enos kneeling in prayer with his bow in hand.

Enos Praying by Robert Barrett

Painting of Jesus walking on water.

Christ Walking on Water by Robert Barrett

Portrait of Gordon B. Hinckely surounded by paintings of temples, satellites, and other images represneting his accomplishments.

Hannah Presents Samuel to Eli by Robert Barrett

Gordon B. Hinkley by Robert Barrett

Painting of pioneer men riding horses through the snow.

Searching for the Martin Company by Robert Barrett

Jesus surrounded by the elements as he creates the world.

Christ the Creator by Robert Barrett

Judy Cooley

Judy’s artwork focuses on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We love how her art does more than draw attention to itself. It invites reflection. She often chooses subject matter that highlights gospel living in hopes of inspiring others to discover light and beauty that they already carry within themselves.

Painting of a young woman wearing kneeling in a suit of armour.

Shield of Faith by Judy Cooley

Painting of a young man wearing the armour of God.

Armour of God by Judy Cooley

A young woman walking through the dark blindfolded. She is carrying a globe of light in front of her.

I Walk by Faith by Judy Cooley

Young woman holding to the iron rod and holding a glowing fruit in her hand.

Stay By the Tree by Judy Cooley

Painting of James Kirkwood carrying his little brother through the snow.

James Kirkwood: Brother’s Keeper by Judy Cooley

A young woman kneeling with the scriptures in her lap. Light is shining down on her.

Enlightenment by Judy Cooley

Annie Henrie Nader

Annie Nader’s time spent studying abroad provided her with a unique opportunity to develop her artistic style. Inspiration from the Renaissance period is evident in her paintings. The unique stucco textures, mixed mediums, and heart that go into her work make each piece one-of-a-kind.

Painting of angels looking down on earth.

Pre Earth Life by Annie Henrie Nader

Redeeming Grace by Annie Henrie Nader

A woman holding a handle and surrounded by light.

Illumination by Annie Henrie Nader

Painting of a woman holding an infant. Two angels watch over her.

Love’s Pure Light by Annie Henrie Nader

Angels Round About Thee by Annie Henrie Nader

Triptych showing Birgham Young, the Salt Lake Temple, and the temple doors.

Holiness to the Lord by Annie Henrie Nader

Jesus healing a wounded man.

Good Samaritan by Annie Henrie Nader)

Stucco painting of angels singing and carrying trumpets.

Heralding Angels by Annie Henrie Nader

A young girl praying. A young angel comforts her.

Comforting Angel by Annie Henrie Nader

Stucco painting of a family with many kids embracing each other.

Family by Annie Henrie Nader

People surrounding the tree of life.

Precious Above All by Annie Henrie Nader

Three young women walking beneath autumn leaves and carrying an infant.

Tender Mercies by Annie Henrie Nader

People taking fruit from the tree of life and sharing it with each other.

Turning Hearts by Annie Henrie Nader

Jesus standing by the tree of life, holding out a fruit..

The Invitation by Annie Henrie Nader

Two young women holding white liliies in glowing light.

Dawning Light by Annie Henrie Nader

Doc Christensen

Full of faithful missionaries, courageous pioneers, and dedicated parents, Doc’s artwork tells a story. He illustrates what it looks like to stand firm in the faith: what it meant for those who came before us and what it means now.

Two lds missionaries getting ready for the day. Inthe mirror's reflection, one is wearing the armor of God.

Armor of God by Doc Christensen

Two lds sister missionaries getting ready for the day. In the mirror's reflection one is waering the armour of God.

Witness For His Name by Doc Christensen

Jesus speaking to a boy in front of a baptismal font.

Boy at the Font by Doc Christensen

Jesus speaking to a boy in front of a baptismal font.

Girl at the Font by Doc Christensen

Painting of Jesus handing the sacrament to a family at church.

Sacrament Meeting by Doc Christensen

Painting of a father reading the scriptures with his son.

Scripture Study by Doc Christensen

Painting of a family spending time together in a living room. In the mirror, Jesus is visible.

My Special Ones by Doc Christensen

A young couple reaching the end of the iron rod and meeting Jesus.

A Child’s Prayer by Doc Christensen

Well Done by Doc Christensen

Different paintings of Jesus' performing different actions like healing, breaking bread, and being nailed to a cross.

Hands of the Master by Doc Christensen

Painting of all of the modner-day prophets wearing white in the temple.

Portrait of the Prophets by Doc Christensen

Hank Delispinasse

Hank Delispinasse’s work in photojournalism, sports, and advertising has made him a well-rounded artist. We love what he brings to the lds temple photography world. Each of his photos are full of light and have a clear focus.

Cardston Temple glowing in the night.

Cardston Temple - Chief Mountain View by Hank Delispinasse

Cardston Temple framed by red and orange leaves.

Cardston Temple - Fall Leaves by Hank Delispinasse

Cary Henrie

Cary ties so much together in one painting. Music lyrics, maps, diagrams, textures, frames, and more give his artwork a unique, hand-crafted look. His style invites us to think creatively about the subject matter, connecting the dots and drawing our own insights.

Painting of the sacred grove. It is overlayed with golden lines of music.

How Lovely Was the Morning by Cary Henrie

Painting of Joseph Smith overlayed with diagrams, graphs, and music.

Praise to the Man by Cary Henrie

Two sister missionaries. Lyrics of "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go" is  in the bakcground.

I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go by Cary Henrie

Two lds missionaries. "Called to Serve" lyrics are in the background.

Called to Serve by Cary Henrie

Painting of a young woman reading a book. Script, diagrams, and illustrations frame her.

The Glory of God is Intelligence by Cary Henrie

Painting of a young girl. Lyrics of "I am a child of God" are in the background.

I Am a Child of God by Cary Henrie

Rex Price

Rex Price’s art is full of vibrant colors. He often chooses powerful scenes for his subject matter, such as Christ walking on water, the Tree of Life,  or a spirit waiting to begin its life on Earth. His paintings do just what art should do: bring color, perspective, and passion into the sometimes redundant feeling of everyday life.

A mother and her young daughter in white dresses looking out of a window in the temple.

Families Can Be Together For the Eternities by Rex Price

Star Valley Temple by Rex Price

Painting of Lehi's dream with a glowing tree of life in the center.

Tree of Life by Rex Price

Susan Edwards

When it comes to painting, Susan Edwards specializes in oils. But did you know she is also a singer/songwriter? Most of her completed work also has a song behind it. With the level of self-expression that she brings to her art, it’s no wonder each piece carries so much emotion and heart.

Painting of Jesus praying in the dark of Gethsemane.

Not My Will But Thine by Susan Edwards

Painting of a woman looking at the sacrs in Jesus' hand and crying.

Why Would You Do This For Me by Susan Edwards

An angel appearing to Mary who looks up surprised.

Be It Unto Me by Susan Edwards

Painting of a biblical woman holding a pitcher of water.

Living Water by Susan Edwards

Symoblic painting of a woman touching the water and reaching up toward the sky.

Convergence by Susan Edwards

Jesus standing on the neck of a large serpant.

He Shall Reign by Susan Edwards

Painting of Jesus as a shepherd silhouetted against a sunset.

Good Shepherd by Susan Edwards

Painting of a biblical woman holding a sprout in her hand and protecting it with her other hand.

Seedling by Susan Edwards

The blog only covers a small selection of the work by these great artists and photographers. For more LDS art, see their artist page at our online store! 

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