Latter-day Saint Funeral Gifts
Facing the death or loss of a loved one is never easy. Something deep within us seems to reject the idea of never seeing that person again, and it can feel like our entire world has been yanked out from under us. That sort of thing is foreign to us, as children of God.
As Dieter F. Uchtdorf eloquently put it: “We are made of the stuff of eternity. We are eternal beings, children of the Almighty God, whose name is Endless and who promises eternal blessings without number. Endings are not our destiny.”
God certainly did not plan for our journey to end here. Experiencing loss can help spur further growth, though know
ing that does not lessen the heaviness or pain in the long days and even years ahead.
For that reason, it can be hard to find the words to comfort those who are experiencing any bereavement. Only Christ can bring the level of understanding and healing that they need. But we can certainly be instruments in His hands in delivering it.
We have collected some of the most heartfelt artwork in our collection. Each carries a unique message of pain but also hope. Grief art has a way of touching the soul, making these photographsa nd paintings perfect for any LDS funeral gift.
Comforting Angels
The Lord promised that “he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways” (Psalms 91:11). At no time is this more true than during these heart-wrenching hours when the veil between Heaven and Earth is thin. Even though bereavement and loss is a lonely and isolating experience, you are not alone.
Mourn With Those That Mourn
The commandment to mourn with those who mourn can feel heavy, but it is vital. In our fast-paced world of easy solutions and quick fixes, it is easy to want to chase the sorrow out right away. We want to remedy the situation and stop the hurt. However, mourning is an important step to healing. Even Jesus Christ had to suffer greatlly before healing and salvation became possible.
Loss of child
In the unthinkable tragedy of losing a child, the entire world feels dark. The future can feel drained of any real light or hope. Each of these reverent pieces of LDS art serves as an inspiring reminder that each child is in God’s loving care with a future more promising than we may be able to comprehend.
Healing Images of Jesus
Sometimes a simple image of Jesus Christ can mean a lot to the individual or family in mourning. These stunning pictures of the Savior remind us of where we can find true and lasting peace amid the chaos and confusion.
For more ideas of LDS funeral gifts, visit our online store. Or you may also like:
16 Unique Christian Bereavement Gifts for When You Can't Find the Words
We have lots of new art coming in - Don't miss out!