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Latter-day Saint Funeral Gifts

Latter-day Saint Funeral Gifts

Annelie Hansen |

Latter-day Saint Funeral Gifts

Jesus touching the end of a dead branch. Blossoms grow at HIs touch.

Facing the death or loss of a loved one is never easy. Something deep within us seems to reject the idea of never seeing that person again, and it can feel like our entire world has been yanked out from under us. That sort of thing is foreign to us, as children of God.

As Dieter F. Uchtdorf eloquently put it: “We are made of the stuff of eternity. We are eternal beings, children of the Almighty God, whose name is Endless and who promises eternal blessings without number. Endings are not our destiny.”

God certainly did not plan for our journey to end here. Experiencing loss can help spur further growth, though know

ing that does not lessen the heaviness or pain in the long days and even years ahead. 

For that reason, it can be hard to find the words to comfort those who are experiencing any bereavement. Only Christ can bring the level of understanding and healing that they need. But we can certainly be instruments in His hands in delivering it. 

We have collected some of the most heartfelt artwork in our collection. Each carries a unique message of pain but also hope. Grief art has a way of touching the soul, making these photographsa nd paintings perfect for any LDS funeral gift.

Comforting Angels

The Lord promised that “he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways” (Psalms 91:11). At no time is this more true than during these heart-wrenching hours when the veil between Heaven and Earth is thin. Even though bereavement and loss is a lonely and isolating experience, you are not alone. 

An angel sitting on a bed holding a little girl.

Angels Among Us by Simon Dewey

Two angels comforting a woman who is praying.

Angels Among Us by Annie Henrie Nader

Angels comforting a young woman on her knees in prayer.

Angels To Guide Thee by Annie Henrie Nader

A young angel girl comforting another young girl.

Comforting Angel by Annie Henrie Nader

Mourn With Those That Mourn

The commandment to mourn with those who mourn can feel heavy, but it is vital. In our fast-paced world of easy solutions and quick fixes, it is easy to want to chase the sorrow out right away. We want to remedy the situation and stop the hurt. However, mourning is an important step to healing. Even Jesus Christ had to suffer greatlly before healing and salvation became possible.

Jesus praying in the dark. An angel with large wings is comforting Him.

Agony in the Garden - After Franz Schwartz by Darin Ashby

Watercolor painting of Jesus praying. An angel comforts him.

Agony in the Garden After Frans Schwartz by Jay Bryant Ward

A man is kissing the hem of Jesus robes while a young girl leans on Christ for comfort.

Balm of Gilead by Annie Henrie Nader

Portrait of Jesus. His head is surrounded by golden leaves.

Garden Meditation by Annie Henrie Nader

Portrait of Jesus. He wears an expression of worry and concern.

Compassion by Robert Pack

Jesus collapsed in pain in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Gethsemane by Adam Abram

Jesus resting up against a tree, his expression is one of pain.

Gethsemane by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Not My Will But Thine by Susan Edwards

A small sparrow cupped in Jesus hands.

Safety by Mandy Jane Williams

Mary and the apostles mourning in the shadow of the cross.

No Greater Love by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Loss of child

In the unthinkable tragedy of losing a child, the entire world feels dark. The future can feel drained of any real light or hope. Each of these reverent pieces of LDS art serves as an inspiring reminder that each child is in God’s loving care with a future more promising than we may be able to comprehend.

Jesus holding an infant.

In His Constant Care by Simon Dewey

A mother embracing her little girl who has butterfly wings. They are framed in a pattern of butterflies.

Giving Her Wings by Cary Henrie

Jesus sitting in a wheatfield with an infant in His arms.

Savior's Lullaby by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Jesus with a young shepherd boy watching after a flock of sheep.

Feed My Sheep by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Jesus holding a baby in the air and smiling.

Succor Our Every Need by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Healing Images of Jesus

Sometimes a simple image of Jesus Christ can mean a lot to the individual or family in mourning. These stunning pictures of the Savior remind us of where we can find true and lasting peace amid the chaos and confusion.

Biblical scene of Jesus comforting a woman.

For They Shall Be Comforted by Brent Borup

Jesus comforting a young man who has his head in his hands.

You Are Seen by Annie Cole

Jesus comforting a woman kneeling in prayer.

I Will Not Forget Thee by Annie Henrie Nader

Jesus comforting a young woman who is kneeling in a field of forget-me-nots.


Jesus comforting a young woman in a blue robe.

Look Unto Me by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus holding a glowing lamp and extending a hand.

Lead, Kindly Light by Simon Dewey

A portrait of Jesus in a brown robe. His expression is firm.

Be Still and Know That I Am by Darin Ashby

JEsus walking on water. The sunrise is behind Him.

Come Unto Me by Eva Koleva Timothy

Charcoal drawing of Jesus' hand scarred hand signing, "I love you."

Greater Love by Darin Ashby

Jesus courched on a rocky shore looking out a lake that reflects the purple sky.

Glorious Moments by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Jesus holding a lamp and guiding a woman who is praying.

Guiding Light by Annie Henrie Nader

Jesus sitting on a grassy hill with a lamb in His lap.

In the Shepherd's Care by Simon Dewey

Textured painting of Jesus. He is standing in front of an empty tomb and a gold halo encircles His head.

Light of Life by Annie Henrie Nader

Jesus looking up toward Heaven and extending an arm out as if making a case for someone standing beside Him.

Our Advocate by Jay Bryant Ward

Jesus' hands clasping Peter's arm as he sinks into the crashing waves.

Lord Save Me by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus standing on a boat and stretching out an arm to calm the storm.

Peace, Be Still by Simon Dewey

Jesus touching the end of a dead branch. Pink blossoms bloom at His touch.

Reborn by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

We have lots of new art coming in - Don't miss out!

And don't worry; we publish art, not spam. In line with many principles of art, we believe good things come in small doses.

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