Jesus Comforting: 20+ Images and Artwork

Jesus Comforting: 20+ Images and Artwork

Annelie Hansen |

Image of a simple room setting featuring a sketch of Jesus comforing a young man.

Jesus Comforting: 20+ Images and Artwork

Scriptures, ancient and modern, testify to Jesus’ comforting and unconditional love. 

Jeffrey R. Holland taught: “However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.”

Similarly, Paul wrote: “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:37-39).

Quality LDS art deepens this message. It can help us feel Jesus’ comforting presence in ways words cannot always express. Find peace and reassurance for yourself or a loved one with these heartwarming paintings of Jesus Christ healing, calming, and blessing.

Painting of Jesus looking on with a conccerned, saddened expression.

Compassion by Robert Peck

Two of the most well-known stories in the New Testament involve a storm. In the first, Jesus is awakened by his terrified apostles who fear that their boat will sink. To their complete amazement, Jesus comforts them by rising and calming the winds and seas.

Later on, late into another storm, Jesus walks out to His apostles on the water. Peter requests to join the Saviour by also walking on water and miraculously succeeds for a moment before his doubts get the best of him and he begins to drown. Jesus is quickly there to rescue him and help him obtain safety again. 

What additional insights or thoughts do you see in these masterful illustrations? 

Jesus Comforting by Calming the Storm

Painting of Jesus Christ walking on a stormy sea with His hand is stretched out toward the viewer.

Focus On Me by Brent Borup

Painting of Jesus standing at the front of a boat and calming the seas.

Peace, Be Still by Simon Dewey

Jesus is pulling Peter from the stormy waves while the other apostles watch from their boat.

Finisher of Faith by Lightweave

Painting of Jesus standing on a boat after having calmed the sea.

Stilling the Storm by Robert Barrett

Up-close image of Jesus gripping Peter's arm as He pulls Peter from the sea.

Lord, Save Me by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus Comforting Individuals

The bible is full of Jesus comforting individuals with a myriad of different ailments, sins, and struggles. In His short earthly ministry of just three years, the scriptures tell us that: “there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written” (John 21:25).

As the Savior of the world, He continues to have compassion and love for the human family. Sometimes, in our darkest moments, it helps to reflect on the times we have experienced Jesus’ comforting power in the past.

Jesus comforing a young woman with a hug.

Home by Annie Cole

Drawing of Jesus comforting a distressed young man, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

You Are Seen by Annie Cole

Painting of a young woman praying. Jesus guides her with a glowing lamp.

Guiding Light by Annie Henrie Nader

A young woman holds out a lamp for Jesus to light it with His own lamp.

Gift of Light by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus comforting a humble man kneeling at His feet and a little girl at His side.

Balm of Gilead by Annie Henrie Nader

Jesus placing his hands on the head of a younger person, granting a blessing.

Blessing by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus comforting a young woman who is looking up at Him.

Look Unto Me by Eva Koleva Timothy

A sparrow rests in Jesus' hands.

Safety by Mandy Jane Williams

Jesus drawing in the dirt with His finger while the woman accused of adultry bows before Him.

Neither Do I Condemn Thee by Eva Koleva Timothy

Painting of Jesus holding a black lamb.

The One by Justine Peterson

Jesus Comforting by Guiding

While we may not always understand God’s plan for us, one of the most comforting things Jesus does for us is guiding us. He knows what is best for us and guides us along our path to reaching it. However, he will never force our will, as He respects our ability to make our own decisions. The choice to accept His comforting, though sometimes challenging, guidance will always be ours.

If we have faith in Him and His teachings, even and especially through the hard times, we can find “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, (which) shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

Jesus embracing an individual in a blue robe.

Filled With Mercy by Eva Koleva Timothy

Vertical painting of Jesus holding up a glowing lamp and extending a hand toward the viewer, as if guiding down a path.

Lead, Kindly Light by Simon Dewey

Jesus holding two lambs. He is framed in golden light.

Mercy’s Embrace by Annie Henrie Nader

If we have faith in Him and His teachings, even and especially through the hard times, we can find “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, (which) shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

Jesus Comforting by Inviting

In a similar vein, Jesus also invites. Regardless of our background, our mistakes, or our current situation in life, Jesus’ comforting invite extends to all. Throughout the scriptures, He beckons for people to follow Him, to come and see, or to even touch the scars from his crucifixion.

We may decide to turn our backs on Him, but Jesus Christ will never turn us away. He gave His life for us so that we could obtain eternal life and He remains present in the details of our lives on our path, bumpy and full of detours as it may be. 

These last gorgeous pieces of LDS artwork, though completed in different mediums and styles, have one thing in common: Jesus’ comforting love. Our remarkable artists have a special gift for drawing out personal feelings and experiences. Do you remember a special time when you have felt the Savior’s love?

Painting of Jesus walking on the water against a setting sun.

Come Unto Me by Rex Price

Jesus in a white robe with His hands extended out.

Behold, I Am Jesus Christ by Evan Lurker

Jesus with a gentle expression with His arms open for an embrace.

Abide With Me by Simon Dewey

Jesus extending His scarred hands out toward the viewer.

Come Unto Me by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus' hand touching the end of a dead branch. Where HIs fingers touch, pink blossoms begin to sprout.

Reborn by Lightweave

Fear Not by Lightweave

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