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Untitled - Dec 9, 13:52:23

Annelie Hansen |

Two shephard boys look out at glowing clouds.

New Christmas Art 2022

Now is the perfect time to start thinking about Christmas decorations for your home. Nothing livens up the holiday season like nativity artwork, livening up those cozy nights around the fire! Whether you're looking for a classic nativity painting or something more modern, there are plenty of options available.

Find heartwarming pieces by some of your favorite Latter-day Saint artists

Inspiring artwork not only makes more meaningful gifts, but it is also a great way to share your Christmas spirit with others and make every room in your home more festive. So get a head start this year on your Christmas shopping by picking up some fresh new art for your home.

Here are some of the latest pieces of Christmas artwork by our inspiring artists here at Altus:

Watchful by Kelsy & Jesse Lightweave

Jesus sitting in a field with a young shepherd boy and a flock of sheep.

Watchful by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

This beautiful piece does not depict the classic nativity, and leaves much to interpretation. But whether the shepherds represent the ones in the nativity story or the Good Shepherd Himself, the title draws some interesting insight. The reality of Christ's birth is one of the greatest signs that our Heavenly Father is ever watchful and caring of us, His children.

We Three Kings by Mike Moyers

Impressionist-like painting of the three wisemen.

We Three Kings by Mike Moyers

The Bible doesn't say much about the wise men, but they are an important part of Christmas tradition. They remind us that even though Jesus was born in humble circumstances, he was still recognized as a great king by those who knew him best. And Mike does a masterful job at celebrating them in this stunning painting.

Journey to Bethlehem by Joseph Brickey

This touching painting shows Mary and Joseph traveling in their humble and weary circumstances to Bethlehem. The more panoramic version reveals a young shepherd boy guiding a flock of sheep. His gaze meets Mary's, and her expression indicates that she may be pondering on the future of her son, the Good Shepherd.

Joseph leading Mary on a donkey past a shepherd boy and his flock.

Journey to Bethlehem by Joseph Brickey

Painting of JOseph leading Mary on a donkey.

Journey to Bethlehem detail by Joseph Brickey

His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful by Simon Dewey

Detailed painting of the holy family.

His name shall be called wonderful by Simon Dewey

This classic depiction of the Holy Family brings a sense of calm to any home during the holidays. It's colors and textures are timeless, capturing a quiet moment between Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Against the dark backdrop of the stable, there is light, color, and hope.

Lamb of God by Linda Christensen

Linda chose a unique focus for this painting. Rather than capturing every element of the classic nativity story, she chose to focus on a single lamb. Often representing purity, this small and humble creature looks up toward the Heavens. What spiritual insights do you draw from this painting? Let us know in the comments.

Pianting of a baby lamb looking up at the stars.

Lamb of God by Linda Christensen

Host of Angels by Mike Moyers

Impressionist painting of angels appearing to the shepherds in the field.

Host of Angels by Mike Moyers

For several of his paintings, Mike Moyers uses a palette knife technique that creates an impressionist look. For this particular image, his technique creates a unique approach especially toward how he chose to depict the angels, creating a visual idea of them without nailing down any particular features.

Choirs of Heaven by Kelsy & Jesse Lightweave

This new addition to Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave's collection has already gathered a lot of traction. And it's no wonder. Not only are the skies immediately eye-catching, but we get to see them through the humble eyes of shepherd children. Kelsy and Jesse have, again, succeeded in painting a familiar scene in a whole new light.

Two shepherd children looking out at glowing clouds.

Choirs of Heaven by Kelsy & Jesse Lightweave

My Comfort by Kelsy & Jesse Lightweave

Mary lying in straw holding baby Jesus close.

My Comfort by Kelsy & Jesse Lightweave

Likewise, this image brings a new perspective to Mary and baby Jesus. While she appears to be holding and comforting Jesus, the title tells us that her newborn son, in His role as the Savior of mankind, is already a source of comfort to her. It is a gentle scene, conveying the word "comfort" even in its soft colors and textures.

Or discover religious Christmas artwork that tells a unique story

While these next images aren't as new to our collection, we wanted to include them here. Christmas is a time for celebration. It is a time for rejoicing in the birth of our Savior. But it's also a time for reflection, for remembering why we celebrate in the first place. And artwork that takes an unusual perspective or approach has a special way of drawing out our imagination to help us reflect.

While Mary Sleeps by Lester Yocum

Joseph tends to become a background or side character in the story of Jesus' birth. Yet, the Bible makes it clear that he was immensely important to the safety and care of Mary and the young Savior. He too was called by God to fill a vital role, and we love Lester's choice to celebrate him in this painting.

Painting of Joseph holding baby Jesus.

While Mary Sleeps by Lester Yocum

In Bethlehem by Jorge Cocco

Geometric painting of the Holy Family.

In Bethlehem by Jorge Cocco

This compact, geometric painting makes for a great gift. It matches many modern styles and doesn't have to take up a lot of space. Jorge's trademark style is very evident, though in this piece the colors appear brighter and more solid when compared to his usual gradiant approach. We love the simplicity of this painting as it speaks to the simplicity of the event we celebrate.

Mother by Chad Winks

Chad's christmas artwork, as with many pieces in his gallery, includes a lot of light. In this image, the warm light seems to indicate the holy spirit. We love the way it surrounds Mary and a very happy baby Jesus. It is a cheerful, hopeful scene amid a world that--especially in Christ's time--can appear dark and cold.

Textured image of Mary holding young Jesus.

Mother by Chad Winks

Heavenly Peace after Abbot Henderson by Jay Bryant Ward

An angel woman with enormous wings asleep in the clouds with an infant in her lap.

Heavenly Peace after Abbot Henderson by jay bryant ward

Angels are often depicted in religious artwork and can be a source of inspiration or comfort to believers. They often appear as protectors and offer guidance and support during difficult times. So its no wonder they often appear in classic art. We love Jay's reimagining of such a timeless piece, adding heightened and hopeful colors.

The Word Was God by Carol Ogden

There are many titles attributed to Jesus. Some are more popular than others, but all of them reflect aspects of His character and ministry. Here are a few of the most significant ones. In this one-of-a-kind nativity scene painted with words, Carol brings each of these titles together, drawing new insight into the story of Hirth birth.

A blue painting of the angels visiting the shepherds. Christ's titles fill the sky.

the word was god by carol ogden

Flight by Rose Datoc Dall

Painting of Joseph leading Mary and young Jesus away on a donkey.

Flight by Rose Datoc Dall

Rose covers many scenes in Jesus' childhood, including this illustration of Joseph and Mary fleeing to Egypt. While during the Christmas season we typically celebrate the event of Christ's birth, this artist expands our imaginations to other events early on in the Savior's life, thus painting a bigger picture of the events surrounding His birth. Visit our website to see the rest of her series.

Journey to Elisabeth's by Rose Datoc Dall

This is an especially unique scene. Little focus is given to Mary's journey to visit her cousin Elisabeth. Yet, the bond between the two women must have been something special and encouraging to both of them. Both carried a miracle within them and both likely had questions and fears about the future. But, above all, both had a deep and abiding faith in God.

Mary walking through a field, pregnant with baby Jesus.

Journey to Elisabeth's by Rose Datoc Dall

Christmas is a time for rejoicing. But it's also a time for reflection, for remembering why we celebrate in the first place. These religious Christmas artwork pieces help us do just that. Whether you're looking for something new to hang on your wall or a unique gift idea, we hope you'll find something you love among these pieces.

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