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First Ever Pocatello Temple Pictures: Peace and Reverence

First Ever Pocatello Temple Pictures: Peace and Reverence

Annelie Hansen |

First Ever Pocatello Temple Pictures: Peace and Reverence

Banner image featuring a photo of the pocatello temple hanging in a decorative laundry room.

The sixth operational temple in Idaho, local members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, have eagerly anticipated the completion of the Pocatello Temple. When the grounds were originally dedicated for the construction, Elder Wilford W. Anderson prayed that:

“As it is transformed into a beautiful garden spot, we pray that it will bring a sense of peace and reverence to this wonderful city. We are thankful for the harmony and unity we feel among the citizens of this community, Father, and we pray that every righteous endeavor they undertake will be prospered by Thy all-powerful hand.”

A Little Pocatello Idaho History

The groundbreaking--and now the completion--of this unique building of worship is a historic moment. A group of early members of the Church founded Pocatello. Since then, from the first organized branch of members, the Latter-day Saint community has grown exponentially. Now it is home to tens of thousands of people, many of which belong to and serve the church of their ancestors. 

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, each new temple is the fulfillment of an important prophecy about Christ’s gospel spreading throughout the world. As modern revelation teaches:

“The keys of the kingdom of God are committed unto man on the earth, and from thence shall the gospel roll forth unto the ends of the earth, as the stone which is cut out of the mountain without hands shall roll forth, until it has filled the whole earth.” - Doctrine & Covenants 65:2

With that history in mind, the Pocatello temple is a remarkable tribute to the effort, sacrifice, and faith of the people who helped to build this beautiful city. It demonstrates the legacy that they left behind which their posterity has not taken for granted. The temple serves as the perfect capstone for the faith, courage, and family values that many in the area strive to make a part of their lives.

What LDS Temples Represent

However, as with any LDS temple, the picture is much larger than that. Each construction and dedication is a fulfillment of Joseph F. Smith’s prophecy that temples would begin to dot the earth. Each dedicated building represents God’s house. It offers opportunities to learn deeper spiritual truths, find peace, and make special promises with God. These special promises, such as the promise we make to follow Jesus Christ at baptism, can be for ourselves as well as for loved ones who have passed on. 

Each temple is evidence of the restoration of the full gospel as taught by Jesus Christ. It testifies of the priesthood power. It is the same power that we read about clear back in the Old Testament days of Abraham and Isaac. And it has been brought back in preparation for Jesus Christ’s second coming. 

It is challenging to visit any of the worldwide LDS temples in the current social and economic climate. But we hope you enjoy these gorgeous photos that our artists have already sent in! Our photographers were on the case of capturing this beautiful building well before the dedication, and we are so excited with the results!

Pocatello Temple Photos

Evening Pocatello Temple picture. The temple is surrounded by darkened trees.

Pocatello Temple - Evening by Evan Lurker

Pocatello Temple picture with red flowers in the foreground.

Pocatello Indian - Indian Paintbrush by Mandy Jane Williams

Textured Pocatello Temple picture framed by white and yellow flowers.

Pocatello Temple - Syringa Flowers by Mandy Jane Williams

Pocatello Idaho Temple surrounded by bright sunflowers.

Pocatello Temple - Wild Sunflowers by Mandy Jane Williams

A stretch of green lawn lined with small trees leading to the Pocatello Temple.

Pocatello Temple - Morning Light by Robert A Boyd

Pocatello Temple photo from the side. A pathway of stairs leads up to the temple.

Pocatello Temple - Covenant Path by Robert A Boyd

Pocatello Temple surrounded by green and tan sagebrush.

Pocatello Temple - Idaho Sagebrush by Mandy Jane Williams

Panoramic photo of the Pocatello Temple from across an autumn field.

Pocatello Temple - Peace by Evan Lurker

Our collection is sure to grow! Our photographers and painters love capturing as many of these lovely LDS temples as possible, so be sure to check back for additional Pocatello Temple pictures! And if you liked this blog, you may also like:

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