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Come Follow Me 2021: Help Children Relate to Pioneers Through Art

Painting of LDS pioneer James Kirkwood carrying his little brother through the snow. Text reads: "Help Children Relate to Pioneers Through Art: Come Follow Me 2021".

Annelie Hansen |

Come Follow Me 2021: Help Children Relate to Pioneers Through Art

Visuals are helpful when teaching children, especially if the topic might initially seem unrelatable or hard to imagine, such as life on the frontier. With Come Follow Me program's new focus on Church History next year, LDS art can come in handy for family discussions on what pioneer life was like.

Our LDS pioneer pictures come in a variety of formats. You can use them for games, teaching, or simple reminders as you study Come Follow Me 2021 this coming year.

come Follow me 2021 Themed Puzzles

As we begin studying Doctrine and Covenants and other modern-day scripture, consider discussing the daily joys and hardships of the early saints. How did their sacrifices lead to what we as members of the church enjoy today, as these two puzzles demonstrate?  

LDS art puzzle of Nauvoo Temple.

Nauvoo Temple with Statue 18x24 jigsaw puzzle 500 pieces

LDS art puzzle of Salt Lake Temple Square.

Salt Lake - Temple Square 500 pieces

A puzzle is a perfect, quiet activity to complete together as a family. Use LDS temple art puzzles to engage children and youth to help them focus during a Come Follow Me 2021 study lesson or to spend time together on a Sunday afternoon.   

Come follow me 2021 themed posters

In our chaotic world of technology and noise, art can be a quiet reminder of what we know to be true. These posters include pioneer pictures, images of the First Vision, and photographs of the Sacred Grove. While pictures alone may not do the job of teaching, they can help reinforce the need to seek answers and truth from God, just as the young Joseph Smith did.

Use these uplifting posters to enhance a Sunday school class, a priesthood ordination, or a family home evening lesson. They are perfect reminders, especially for youth who can use them to personalize bedrooms, bathrooms, lockers, closets--you name it.

Vertical LDS art poster of the Sacred Grove. Text reads: "Ask and ye shall receive."

The Sacred Grove - Search Ponder and Pray 12x18 repositionable poster

Vertical modern LDS art poster of the first vision. Text reads: Ask of God.

First Vision 12x18 repositionable poster

Vertical LDS poster of Nauvoo Temple photo. Text reads: "Keep on the covenant path."

Nauvoo Temple - Path 12x18 repositionable poster

LDS art poster of the Sacred Grove. Text reads: Search, ponder, and pray.

The Sacred Grove - Search Ponder and Pray 12x18 repositionable poster

LDS poster of the Articles of Faith on chalkboard background.

Articles of Faith Chalk 12x18 Repositionable Poster)/(Articles of Faith Cursive 12x18 Repositionable Poster

Come follow me 2021 themed Bookmarks

Bookmarks are another simple way to help teach about the early LDS pioneers. These particular bookmarks focus on what has made the entire Restoration of the Gospel possible: the power of God. 

LDS art bookmark with a painting of Joseph Smith translating the plates. Displays text from Moroni 10:4.

By the Gift and Power of God bookmark

LDS art bookmark displaying a close-up photo of the Salt Lake Temple doors. Text reads: "Stand ye in holy places."

Salt Lake Temple (Stand Ye In Holy Places) bookmark

Just as God assisted his early saints, He will help our children and youth as they face difficulties and questions, unlike any generation. 

A bookmark, with maybe an added personalized note, can remind them of this. A small gift like this is the perfect gift for advancing in primary or starting seminary. Children and youth can use it in their favorite novel or school notebook.

Small Prints for come follow me 2021

Use an inspiring image to help illustrate pioneer life. Beyond the historical clothing styles or frontier life setting, these pieces of LDS pioneer art depict the human struggle and joys the early pioneers faced. 

Because regardless of the time period or external circumstances, emotion has a way of uniting us as a human family. We often feel the same things. Help children and youth relate to the Come Follow Me 2021 lessons by helping them see themselves in questions, hardships, and miracles the pioneer children faced.

Panoramic painting of Joseph Smith walking toward the Sacred Grove.

Spring Morning by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave - 5x7 - Print - Loose Prin

LDS art painting of Joseph Smith translating the gold plates.

By the Gift and Power of God 5x7 print - Loose 5x7 Print

LDS art picture of Emma Smith being set apart.

Emma Set Apart By John Taylor by Mandy Jane Williams - 7.5x11.25 - Print

LDS art painting of a handcart company traveling through the snow.

Ever Onward by Joseph Brickey - 5x7 - Print - Loose Print

Veritcal, modern LDS art painting of the First Vision.

First Vision by Jorge Cocco - 5x7 - Print - Loose Print

Panoramic LDS art painting of pioneer women.

All is Well by Annie Henrie Nader - 5x7 - Print - Loose Print

Panoramic LDS art image of the Sacred Grove.

Sacred Grove 5x7 print - Loose 5x7 Print

LDS art painting of young Joseph Smith reading the Bible in a field at sunrise.

Searching for Heaven by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave - 7x10.5 - Print

LDS art painting of pioneers camping in the snow.

Icy Crucible 5x7 print - Loose 5x7 Print

Panoramic LDS art painting of young Joseph Smith walking through a field, reading while leading his horse. Text reads: "Seek and ye shall find."

Seek and Ye Shall Find by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave - 7x10.5 - Print

LDS art painting of Joseph and Emma at the hill Cumora.

Joseph and Emma at the Hill Cumora by Robert Barrett - 8x10 - Print

Modern LDS art painting of Joseph Smith praying.

First Vision by Madison Wardle - 8x10 - Print

LDS art painting of pioneer children playing.

Thrill of Handcart Travel by Linda Curley Christensen

Help children and youth relate to LDS pioneers by helping them see themselves in questions, hardships, and miracles the pioneer children faced.

Wall Art for come follow me 2021

At the heart of the Restoration of the Gospel is the principle of seeking and following inspiration from God. There could not be a better time to dive deeper into these two principles. Use uplifting art to make your home a haven during these challenging times when, like the prophet Joseph Smith, we are “in the midst of this war of words and tumult of opinions."

For something more permanent, we have a wide selection of LDS pioneer art that is available in print, matte, or frame.

Vertical, modern LDS painting of the First Vision.

Early Spring 1820 by Jeff Pugh

Panoramic LDS art image of the First Vision in the Sacred Grove.

Ask of God by Robert A Boyd

LDS art triptych painting of the Nauvoo temple.

Building Nauvoo by Annie Henrie Nader

Panoramic LDS art image of Joseph in the Sacred Grove.

Desires of Heart by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Vertical LDS art painting of the prophet Joseph Smith Jr.

Joseph the Man by Joseph Brickey

LDS art painting of pioneer women cheerfully working on a quilt together.

Quilting Bee by Lynde Mott

Vertical LDS art image of Emma Smith being set apart.

Emma Set Apart By John Taylor by Mandy Jane Williams

LDS art painting of James Kirkwood carrying his brother through the snow.

James Kirkwood: Brother's Keeper by Judy Cooley

LDS art painting of Joseph Smith, surrounded by hymn lyrics, documents, and temple architecture.

Praise to the Man by Cary Henrie

LDs art painting of a pioneer family.

Restoration by Annie Henrie Nader

LDS painting of pioneer family pushing a handcart through the snow, assisted by angels.

Light of Grace by Annie Henrie Nader

We are excited about the upcoming Come Follow Me 2021 lessons. We hope these beautiful pieces by our artists and photographers have helped inspire some ideas for your individual or family study. 

What have you found to help teach children and youth about early LDS pioneer life?

We have lots of new art coming in - Don't miss out!

And don't worry; we publish art, not spam. In line with many principles of art, we believe good things come in small doses.

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