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The Author and Finisher of Our Faith: Art by Lightweave

Annelie Hansen |

The Author and Finisher of Our Faith: Art by Lightweave

Finisher of Faith is one of Lightweave’s most impactful pieces of artwork. It’s a dramatic illustration of Jesus walking on the water and saving Peter from the stormy waves of the sea. Kelsy and Jesse have a talent for using lighting and contrast to tell a story, as in the case of this painting. 

The biblical story of Jesus walking on water brings peace and reassurance to many who feel like their surroundings are tossing them to and fro. Or that they have impossible barriers which they must somehow cross. Perhaps that is why it is common for artists to illustrate this scene in a way that appears calm. Often, the waves are little more than ripples, with some curling into a crest. Many times, the water is clear and reflective and the skies, though gray, present no immediate harm. 

Lightweave, as with most of their paintings, took a new angle. In this painting, we see Peter nearly enveloped in a rising wave that crashes against Jesus. The wind tugs at his hair and clothing. And there is a clear sense of tension between where the storm is attempting to pull Peter and where Jesus is gripping his arm.

Meanwhile, in the background, the remaining disciples struggle to keep their small boat afloat amid rising and crashing waves. The movement and detail captured in this image make it nearly possible to hear the storm. 

The sky is where we see most of the Lightweave’s characteristic contrast. Half of the sky is overshadowed by dark clouds, while the other half is illuminated by a bright sunburst. Its rays reach where Jesus is saving Peter, washing a warm glow across the scene. The sun may also reflect the late hour in which Jesus appeared to his struggling disciples. It serves as a reminder that some of the greatest miracles in our own lives do not happen until the fourth watch of the night.

The story of Jesus walking on water is very applicable to the challenges that many of us face today. We are in the midst of a roaring storm of contention and confusion. At times, our boat may seem much too small to brave the waves. And the hour much too late for any hope of a safe return. 

But the message is the same: trust in the author and finisher of our faith. Focus on the Savior instead of the storm, take it one step at a time, and you may be surprised what kind of obstacles you can cross.

Finisher of Faith by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Finisher of Faith - Detail by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Finisher of Faith 5x7 Print - Loose Print by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

The Finisher of Faith Minicard - Front

The Finisher of Faith Minicard - Back

A Word From the Artists

Every piece of art not only tells a story. It carries one. Here’s what Kelsy and Jesse have to say about what inspired such a beautiful tribute to the author and finisher of our faith:

“As Peter discovered in his journey across the water, when we lose sight of the Author of our Faith, we can quickly become subject to the vying forces around us, and have our faith become deposed by fear. In such moments of darkness and calamity, we may sink to our knees with the same desperate plea uttered by Peter when he called to his Savior: Lord, save me.

The hallowed hand of the Master is never far. We may slip, and we may stumble, but we are never lost when we look to him for help. He will help us up, he will complete our lack, and he will finish our faith.” 

Hear more of their thoughts in this clip:

We are so grateful to Kelsy, Jesse, and their family for sharing their gift with us and so many others. Their artwork inspires so many, drawing them closer to Jesus Christ. To learn more about how Lightweave and their art style, you might like their Altus Fine Art introduction:

See the full Lightweave collection of LDS art at our onine store!

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