20+ Nauvoo Temple Pictures: Moving Forward With Faith
The Nauvoo Temple was built on two things: inspiration and community. It is a heartfelt tribute of personal sacrifice and hardy faith of those who helped construct it.
Early members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints paid tithes of their time and talent in constructing it. Some offered meager savings, and others worked together within the community to generate funds. This beautiful temple was hardly the triumph of one individual, but rather the magnificent result of a united people.
The construction of the Nauvoo Temple led to much of the Church organization groups we are familiar with today, such as wards and Relief Society. This additional organizational structure simplified the process. It made it easier to come together as a community of believers to create something beautiful.
Despite manifold blessings from following God’s counsel, early church members began to experience increasing persecution because of their beliefs. It soon became evident that they would have to flee Nauvoo, but many resolved to complete the temple first.
They wanted to participate in the covenants performed in the temple, such as being sealed together as families. Like the ancient Israelites, they wanted to make special promises with God that would strengthen them as they faced surmounting challenges for their faith.
Leaders of the Church eventually sold the building to help fund the saint’s migration West. Its interior became a victim to fire and its walls to a tornado. But that has not put a stop to the work happening in Nauvoo. Under the leadership of President Gordon B. Hinkley, the Church painstakingly rebuilt the historical temple to match the original structure and details. You may be able to tell from some of our Nauvoo Temple pictures that the building does not look near as old as described here. But the craftsmanship is just as careful.
It now serves many members of the Church, providing them with deeper spiritual knowledge and strength just as it had for the original builders. It stands as a testament that, with God, no sacrifice is ever wasted. We may not see the results of our efforts now, and we may not always understand God’s purposes, but we can have faith that He will fulfill all promises He has made to us, and then some.
We hope you enjoy this collection of professional Nauvoo Temple pictures by our artists and photographers! Have you visited this temple? We’d love to hear about it in the comments!
History-Based Nauvoo Temple Pictures
History-Based Nauvoo Temple Pictures
Under the leadership of President Gordon B. Hinkley, the Church painstakingly rebuilt the historical temple to match the original structure and details. You may be able to tell from some of our Nauvoo Temple pictures that the building does not look near as old as described here. But the craftsmanship is just as careful.
Summer Nauvoo Temple Pictures

Nauvoo Temple - Across the Mississippi Panoramic by Robert A Boyd
Wintery Nauvoo Temple Pictures
Posters of Nauvoo Temple Pictures
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