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25+ Hand of God Paintings by Professional Artists

Jesus' hands have a long-running symbolism in the Christian world. Whether in sermons, illustrations, or even multiple famous statues, the sacred scars in His outstretched hands hold powerful layers of meaning.

The scars remind us of what Jesus Christ suffered for us. He overcame not just the world as a whole, but our world as individuals. He has felt each one of our pains, fears, and disappointments. Because of that, he knows perfectly how to succor us. We may not always like the direction He gives, but we can have faith that, in the end, it is the best path toward healing.

Many pieces of art carry the common theme of Jesus’ Christ hands outstretched. Whether they are outstretched toward the viewer or outstretched on the cross, the message is the same: Jesus Christ loves us individually and deeply. He approaches us where we are at now. And then He gives us the added strength to lift ourselves onto the higher, holier ground. 

But His invitation extends beyond ourselves. The Savior invites us to return the favor and offer strength to those around us. Jesus Christ Himself taught that: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).

The artists at Altus Fine Art are driven and inspired by their love for and faith in Jesus Christ. Many create in hopes of sharing the peace and healing that they feel with others. Art, after all, has a way of communicating deep concepts and messages where words fail. 

Enjoy these reverent, inspiring paintings illustrating the loving Hand of God. 

Up-Close Pictures of Jesus Hands

One subject, so many unique angles. We love the variety of messages that each of these paintings and photos brings. To those who have seen and felt the Master’s merciful hands at work in their lives, it is a very personal experience. Our artists have done a painstaking job at capturing the miraculous experience, illustrating that whatever Jesus Christ touches grows.

Jesus kneeling on the ground and reaching out warmly toward the viewer.

Fear Not by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Up close painting of a hand reaching for Jesus' scarred hand.

Within Our Grasp by Jay Bryant Ward

Jesus standing on a path and reaching back toward the viewer in invitation.

Come Follow Me by Brent Borup

Charcoal drawing of an infant hand holding Jesus' finger.

From My Hands to Yours by Darin Ashby

Jesus' hand touching a dead branch, causing blossoms to appear.

Reborn by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Jesus holding a glowing lamp and inviting the viewer to follow Him.

Lead Kindly Light by Simon Dewey

Up close photo of Jesus' extended hand against a white robe.

His Hand Is Stretched Out Still by Evan Lurker

Up close painting of Jesus washing disciple's feet.

As I Have Loved You by Eva Koleva Timothy

Painting of Jesus' hands curing a blind person.

Now I See by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus lighting a young woman's lamp with His lamp.

Gift of Light by Eva Koleva Timothy

Painting of Jesus' hands clapsed in prayer.

Alone to Pray by Eva Koleva Timothy

Painting of Jesus holding out His hands, palms up. He is wearing homespun, tan clothes.

Come Unto Me by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus walking through a field of lilies, brushing them with His hand.

Consider the Lilies by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus hands gripping Peter's arm, pulling him out of the water.

Lord Save Me by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus cupping clear river water in HIs hands.

Rivers of Living Water by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus hands tearing bread for the sacrament.

The Bread of Life by Eva Koleva Timothy

Jesus holding a small globe in His hands.

The Light of the World by Eva Koleva Timothy

Charcoal sketch of Jesus' scarred hand signing "I love You".

Greater Love by Darin Ashby

Painting of a sparrow perched in Jesus' hands.

Safety by Mandy Jane Williams

Collage of paintings focusing on Jesus' hands perofrming miracles and suffering on the cross.

Living Christ by Joseph Brickey

Painting of Jesus' outstretched hand with a visible scar.

Fear Not, I Am With Thee by Kylie Kay

Power of the Hand of God Paintings

The scriptures are full of examples of God’s power. The creation story alone is a mind-boggling account of how uncontrolled chaos was transformed into something mysteriously stunning. At Jesus’ hands, many received their sight. Others were healed of illnesses or handicaps they had suffered for years of their lives. And still, Lazurus was raised from the grasp of death. 

While we may not always feel like our prayers are answered, or perhaps we cannot shake the feeling that we were robbed of a miracle, it is important to remember: God’s timeline is so much wider and all-encompassing than our immediate view. In the end, as we read in Revelations: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things anew” (Revelations 21:4-5).

Collage of paintings of jesus' hands healing, praying, serving, and being nailed to the cross.

Hands of the Master by Doc Christensen

Painting of kids gathered around Jesus, looking at the scars in His palms.

His Hands by Rod Peterson

Sepia sketch of Jesus directing on hand toward Heaven and the other toward the viewer.

Messenger of the Covenant by Joseph Brickey

Painting of diexiples touching Jesus' scarred hands.

Behold My Hand by Jeff Ward

Jesus' hand holding the crown of thorns.

Overcomer by Haley Miller

Painting of jesus healing a leper woman sitting against a tree.

Healing Hands by Adam Abram

Painting of Jesus looking toward Heaven and motioning His hand toward us.

Our Advocate by Jay Bryant Ward

Jesus’ Hand Reaching Into the Water to Rescue

Regardless of the storms we face, regardless of whether we lose our focus and begin to sink, Jesus is there, reaching to catch us. Of course, He never forces our decision in reaching back for His help. But when we extend faith even the size of a mustard seed, we will find that His promises are sure. We will witness the hand of God in our own lives.

Jesus saving Peter from the stormy waves.

The Finisher of Faith by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

Paintings of Jesus creating the Earth. His arm oustretched and He is surrounded by lava, clouds, lightning, and stars.

Christ the Creator by Robert Barrett

Painting of Jesus clearing away clouds with His hand.

Deliverance is Nigh by David McClellan

Want to explore more art? Peruse our entire gallery of Jesus Christ Images.

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