27 Heartwarming Jesus Healing Images
Throughout history, we can see that people follow Jesus Christ not because everything He teaches makes immediate sense to them and not because it has been the popular thing to do. It is and always has been because He offers hope. He brings healing to a weary world. He understands each of our pains and sorrows and seeks to help us overcome them.
The apostles described it best: “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him” (Acts 10:38)
Jesus Heals the Leper
Jesus healing the leper is one of the most touching accounts of Jesus healing the sick. It highlights several important aspects of His character. For example, He was willing to cross social boundaries to reach those who had been cut off from their loved ones. Leprosy was highly contagious, yet Christ trusted in God’s protection and will, mercifully saving several plagued individuals.
May we, like the single grateful leper who returned to thank Jesus, remember to express our gratitude for His “unspeakable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15) Enjoy these touching Jesus healing images.
Jesus Raises Lazarus
The miracle of Lazarus rising from the dead was a sure sign of Jesus’ divine identity as the Son of God. He demonstrated that He had power even over death. Through Jesus Christ, all of us, including our loved ones, will live again. Because of His atonement and resurrection, this life will not be the end.
Which of these different styles of Jesus healing images do you most connect with? Which one do you think best tells the story of Jesus raising Lazarus?
The apostles described it best: “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him” (Acts 10:38).
Jesus Heals the Daughter of Jairus
Even in today’s world, it can be easy for children to be overlooked. A typical day can be riddled with obligations, aspirations, information, and all sorts of entertainment. In this biblical scene, Jesus demonstrates the importance of children. He also shows great compassion toward parents, especially in a challenge that feels hopeless and out of their control.
Jesus heals the daughter of Jairus even despite the opinion and even mockery of those already mourning her death. His example teaches us that His healing goes even beyond popular opinions or outside circumstances.
Pictures of Woman Touching Jesus’ Robe
We may wonder if our miracle will ever come or if our prayers will ever be answered. We can find comfort in the story of the woman touching Jesus’ robe. The bible describes her as: “a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any” (Luke 8:43).
Her case would appear hopeless after twelve years of illness even after spending everything on supposed cures. This woman demonstrated immense faith to still trust that Jesus could heal her. Our miracles may not come when we wish, but God promises that they will come.
Jesus Healing the Blind Man
Jesus heals the blind in many ways. Throughout His ministry, He cured physical blindness. However, He can also heal our spiritual blindness. He can help us see things as they are rather than as the world may want us to see them. We can understand our identity as God’s children and see the path that will bring us lasting happiness. Often, we receive this sort of direction piece by piece, but the light Jesus offers to us can shine new color into our lives.
Jesus Forgiving
When it comes to Jesus healing images, forgiving may not be what first comes to mind. Jesus' miracles of physical healing tend to stand out because they are visible and immediate. However, some of the deepest healing comes from receiving forgiveness.
When Christ was presented with a paralyzed man, He didn’t start by healing him of his inability to walk. Instead, he assured the man: “thy sins are forgiven thee” (Luke 5:20). It seems the man was harboring pains much deeper than what was visible to the eye. So it is with us. Jesus can help heal us from the inside, out.
Neither Do I Condemn Thee by Eva Koleva Timothy
Filled With Mercy by Eva Koleva Timothy
For the Love of One by Eva Koleva Timothy
Jesus Blessing
Often, we describe Jesus’ miraculous healing as a blessing. We may not be plagued with illness or disorders, but that does not mean life is easy. These Jesus healing images depict instances when Jesus healed other difficulties, such as hunger. He also ordained His apostles, who would certainly need the added strength after He left.
Jesus also offers blessings to us, whether or not we always notice them. How have you seen God’s hand in your life?
Golden Blessing by Jorge Cocco
Blessing at Dawn by Jorge Cocco
Earthly Blessing by Jorge Cocco
Additional Jesus Healing Images
Ultimately, Jesus’ mission was to heal the Earth. He came to triumph over spiritual death and physical death and He seeks to help us find solace with everything in between. Enjoy these last beautiful Jesus healing images.
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