16 Logan Temple Pictures: A House of Learning

16 Logan Temple Pictures: A House of Learning

Annelie Hansen |

16 Logan Temple Pictures: A House of Learning

The Logan temple is one of the oldest temples in Utah. Its historical architecture and color also make it one of the most popular. Today we want to share a few things you maybe didn't know about the Logan Temple. And why it's no surprise that our artists and photographers make it the subject of some of their best work. Enjoy these professional Logan Temple pictures.

Logan Temple Fun fActs

The Logan Utah Temple was:  

Painting of Logan Temple standing strong on a hill.

Logan Temple - House of Defense by Greg Collins

The first and last temple dedicated by President John Taylor.

The Logan Temple was dedicated on May 17, 1884, just three years before President Taylor passed away.  

The second temple to be constructed in Utah, the first being the St. George Temple.  

Painting of Logan Temple on sunny day.

Logan Temple by Anne Bradham

Logan Temple with grey sky and blue flowers.

Logan Temple - Serenity by Mandy Jane Williams

The first temple constructed with multiple rooms for the endowment ceremony.  

Originally painted a pinkish-white to hide the brown-colored stone. However, Church and temple leaders eventually allowed the paint to wear off.

The darker color of the limestone has become one of the most recognizable aspects of the Logan Temple. It's what makes so many Logan Temple pictures stand out.

An up close photo of the Logan Temple amid tree tops.

Logan Temple - up close by scott jarvie

Logan Temple Dedicatory Promises

The Logan Temple had some unique promises included in the dedicatory prayer. Promises that make the Logan Temple a true house of learning. 

For example, the blessings of learning go beyond what we might typically think of when we envision attending the temple, including, “the instruction of Thy people in all principles of science and intelligence pertaining to this life, and the lives that are to come.” It also references God’s command to “become acquainted with all good books, and with languages, tongues and people.”

Logan Temple against blue sky with American flag.

Logan Temple - house of learning by Greg Collins

As one of the earlier temples, Logan temple dedicatory prayer also includes many references to the events of the Restoration.

It mentions Christ’s appearance to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the Ohio temple, the construction of the Nauvoo temple, and the restoration of many priesthood ordinances.

However, this prayer is not just for the temple and those who enter. It is also a petition to God to protect the United States and its citizens living well outside Logan Utah.   

As one of the earlier temples, Logan temple dedicatory prayer also includes many references to the events of the Restoration. 

Logan Temple for All seasons

Not all areas of the world or even states in the U.S. have seasons as clearly defined as Utah. The variety throughout the year makes for some beautiful Logan Temple pictures, more particularly through the eyes of an artist or photographer.  


Distant shot of Logan Temple grounds.

Logan Temple - springtime detail by scott jarvie

Logan Temple by purple blossoms.

Logan Temple - divinity by mandy jane williams

Logan Temple amid colorful tulips.

Logan Temple - a house of peace by robert a. boyd


Stretch of red tulips leading up to Logan Temple.

Logan Temple - Tulips by robert a. Boyd

Logan Temple - framed by trees by scott Jarvie

Logan Temple grounds on a sunny morning.

Logan Temple - Sunny AFternoon by scott jarvie


Logan Temple framed by autumn leaves.

Logan Temple - Autumn Evening by Evan lurker

Autumn themed painting of Logan Temple.

Logan Temple - in the rain by abigale Palmer

Logan Temple surrounded by fall trees.

Logan Temple - Tunnel of Fall by Scott Jarvie


Distant photograph of the Logan Temple in the snow.

Logan Temple - sunrise in the Snow by scott jarvie

Foggy photograph of Logan Temple in winter.

Logan Temple - in the Snow by Greg Collins

Is the Logan Temple your temple? Visit our LDS online store to peruse our full gallery of Logan Temple Pictures to pair with your favorite wedding or family photos. 

In the meantime, have a favorite artist or photographer? We’d love to pass along the compliment!

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